Lightspeed X 2 with Steve Stars, August 26, 2024

By RBN August 26, 2024 14:16

LIGHT SPPED X2 with Steve Stars (8/26/24) As the DNC crashes, RFK Jr. joins the Trump campaign and may be appointed to Trump’s Administration. Will RFK Jr. be Secretary of HHS and shake up our corrupt medical/industrial complex? Will Trump appoint Kennedy to investigate political assassinations, (JFK, Bobby etc.) We discuss these Medical murders with caller Dr. Cynthia’s expertise. Visit and comment on Substack:

By RBN August 26, 2024 14:16
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1 Comment

  1. TheCompleteSkeptic August 26, 17:15

    RFK jr will not get appointed to any meaningful position. In fact, as long as he continues to be some use, publicity wise, or vote getting wise, the Donald will keep him around. If he is elected, his handlers will hand down the order to throw him under the bus. Just like happened to him during Trump’s fist term, if you recall.

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