Luca’s World w/ Luca Majno, October 29, 2022

By RBN October 29, 2022 14:17

We start, on this show, with the true ENGINEERING of the Civil War, following the show before me, and I needed to get that one straightened out followed by MEDICAL MOMENT in which I speak of my recovery and being cancer free today. Does the medical profession ‘really’ care’? Then off to my clips which PROVE that “Biden is not running this country”… Native Issues and the historical truth of the ‘united-states’ take the stage one of the callers takes us to Hitler and righting THAT timeline as well, focusing on the REAL murderer, Churchill. (I give proof there, too) ~ VACCINES, a really important one, needs to be shared by TWO clips we need to internalize! I will leave that one there. I finish with personal notes. THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!

By RBN October 29, 2022 14:17
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1 Comment

  1. Jack October 30, 09:24

    Great show! Love the Biden is not running the country part.

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