National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 03.21.25
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Paul Stevenson joins the show: The Irish, the Chinks, Daniel Davis, World War II, and a bunch of other stuff
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Is there any proof that the germans had a hatred of slavs?
As people were deceived by many deliberate lies that are beginning to be recognized I believe this is also a deception of evil people, who are on the jewish side, to justify war and post war treatment and the wrong order of the world today.
There are accusations of germans or adolf hitler or the german leaders having negative faults of different accusations, these are stated as fact but are they ever shown with evidence or proof?
Accusations of hatred of races for their race, rather than as opposition to negative behaviours.
Accusations of anti Catholic or anti Christian attitudes or behaviour or actions and claiming it being as a non Christian hostility to Christianity.
After austria and germany united, germany was more than half Catholic (60%) and almost half of germany was protestant (40%) so if there was anti Catholic attitude it was mainly by protestants not non religious people, that is a problem of a history of protestant anti Catholic propaganda.
If anything the protestant anti Catholic hate was probably reduced by the unity and race solidarity that national socialism brought, and adolf hitler called publicly continually for race unity and for the Christians to be united as one. Adolf hitler and most of the leadership and national socialist elite were Catholics and adolf hitler said he is and always will be Catholic.
So if some few germans had negative attitudes or hostility to other races for their race or to other Christians for their religion, I think that is an individual who is contrary to the national socialist nature of what it is and teaches, the national state or leaders should not be condemned for the misalignment of individuals who are behaving contrary to what it stands for, and who I think are very few. Rather it was enemy propaganda then and since which has attempted to assign this to adolf hitler or national socialist germany, to limit or minimize any postive view of them.
Racial hatred, and religious hatred seem in evidence more in other peoples than in the national socialist germany and the axis nations then. And also more in various people today than in national socialist germany. And the hatred jews have brought in the world, aimed against national socialist germany and adolf hitler and the Catholic Church and Christianity and Christian nations and all the enemies of jews, is more hate than any of these victims have shown to anyone, and which the victims have not shown hate except as the justified reaction of someone defending their existence from an attacker.
Is there any evidence or proof of national socialist germany having hatred of slavs, or hatred of slavs for being slavs? Germans saw the threat of a hostile state that was seeking conquest, and at that time was under the genocidal and non moral behaviour rule of jews, and jewish anti european and anti Christian communism.
Like jews are seen as a threat because they are a threat in their behaviour and they seek conquest and genocide and harm.
Fear or awareness of threats or problems, and seeking or acting for self preservation is not irrational or is not irrational hatred or hostility, it is natural and correct and necessary.
An additional accusation against adolf hitler and national socialist germany that I do not believe has evidence or proof, is that of killing people in so called euthanasia, accusation of killing people who are ill, disabled, or unwanted in some way, etc. There is no true evidence of this.
It appeared in allied propaganda first, then one or few Catholic bishops in germany publicly repeated it. Not the majority, as most clergy and people always supported adolf hitler and national socialist germany. I think this was only publicly repeated by the bishop after the 1 september 1939 after the polish war began, I am not sure if allied propaganda had begun saying it before that date or not.
A minority of people had reasons to be political dissidents or opponents to the state, either because of conflicted loyalties by associations with the enemies, or corruption, or bad character.
Many germans had lived along with poles while poles had been part of germany before world war one, and after world war when when german land was given to poland unjustly and so some germans were part of poland. As a result of proximity of knowing eachother, and some intermarriage, there were some germans who sympathized with poles, or were conflicted when some poles they knew had hostility to germany before and since the war, and when the german and polish war or occupation happened.
Some germans were conflicted, some others were traitors, or were traitors because of sympathies or associations with british or the usa or french or liberalism or communism etc.
It is similar then and today with people who have associations with jews and are conflicted, or traitors.
I reject the claim of euthansia existing, because adolf hitler and the majority of national socialist leaders are Catholics and would not accept or have that thinking, unlike the world today which is anti Catholic and a result of the anti Catholic victors of world war 2, and which has brought abortion of 2 to 3 billion people, search: numberofabortions, or search for an answer to the number of abortions in the world since legalized.
I have seen that national socialist germany outlawed abortion, and even criminally punished the doctor or abortionist who carries them out, and may have punished the woman too I forget if it was the woman too but I think it might have been, and this is logical and is the correct uncompromising action as it is murder.
And a quote of adolf hitler says: “for God’s will gave men their form, their essence and their abilities. Anyone who destroys His work is declaring war on the Lord’s creation, the divine will.”
This rules out adolf hitler accepting any of abortion, euthanasia, or suicide, or genocide, or any unjustified killing or unjust war.
In fact this accusation is anti Catholic. And is a very kind of accusation which would be sought for the purpose of separating Catholics from positive support of adolf hitler and national socialism.
In the same way, the accusation of suicide by adolf hitler or of mass suicides by germans, is also motivated for separating and putting off Catholics, as well as people in general, from seeing them as heroes or Saints or as good people.
I do see adolf hitler as Saint Adolf Hitler in the true sense of a Catholic Saint and who did not commit suicide and so I will choose to assume he ascended into heaven as it seems unlikely and unfitting for God to protect him from death two dozen times including by seeming miracles of survival, which you can search about, or else he died in battle and is in heaven. But no body of adolf hitler was ever found and so I think God taking him up to heaven alive is possible and very likely.
I reject there being any evidence or proof of suicide of adolf hitler, goebbels and his family, himmler, goerring, Catholics in general. (It is possible some germans panicked and may have committed suicide in fear as the red army came but I still have not seen evidence or proof. Protestants may have less stigma and resistance against it. But I will not accept it was done by them or any large number of people, without proof either.)
I have seen a photo of two women passively sitting seemingly dead on benches, it says in berlin, and is claimed they took suicide pills. There are soviet soldiers in the picture and taking the photo, I think I remember. Are we to trust this? Is it not likely to be staged, bodies could have been moved or not. And we have no proof of how they died.
If people seem to have died in a peaceful way, and I would expect it death by enemy action to be more likely than suicide.
I have suspected and searched and have not yet been able to find a result about did the soviets use poison gas warfare in the war or in cities, as these were very hard fighting to take, especially berlin.
Why would they not have used gas? It would be a big benefit to them and they must have had it. It could be gas that asphyxiates, or a nerve gas. In fact germany had nerve gas but adolf hitler refused to use these under any circumstances as he thought it was immoral and too mass murdering. And refused to use even normal gas warfare unless the enemy used it first, as he had suffered gas attacks in world war 1. David irving has a video clip on this.
The soviets may have used gas warfare. But i can’t find information on it yet.
Today the jews attacking gaza, and russia attacking ukraine, and probably usa too, have used thermobaric bombs or bombs with the result of this. Which suck the oxygen out of a large area, thus killing masses of people in the area, by lack of oxygen primarily rather than by explosion or fire. This is another possible explanation of what could cause passive looking deaths of people without direct mutilation or burning by bombs or bullets. I think air could have been sucked out by bombs then too, or lack of oxygen with the fumes of heavy bombardment by more normal artillery or explosives.
I hope all this gives you consideration of a lot of things to think about. And to consider that we really shouldn’t accept any accusations as true. When we know so many accusations by the same people and side, have already been shown as being certainly untrue. In the past, and today with ever new accusations about past people and present people.
Thank you for your time. I hope this will be able to be submitted although it is long.
I took a long time to write it. It may have typing errors because of being long and typed on a small phone screen.
I just wanted to cover those main points. Of accusations that are still said. But they have not been proven, any more than other accusations which are known by many now to be untrue.
We should stop accepting accusations as true just because they are being stated as fact. When it is for the same agenda of continuing the negative reputation and discouragement of positive support, for adolf hitler and national socialist germany.
We don’t have to say we can’t put him or his compatriots on a pedestal either. Why should we not put them on a pedestal?
If any man should be honoured in addition to God it is adolf hitler. If you know the truth about him that is of course. Rather than lies.
Some people really are worth honouring highly without bringing them down to a half hearted or limited level of honour, just because other people still exist who oppose or criticize them, and that you will consider compromising support for the deserving ones, to appease the opponents.
If people don’t like Jesus and the Holy Trinity or the faithful Catholic Church, should we lessen our love or honouring for them because of allowing our freedom and right behaviour to be affected by those who are wrong? No. We should not compromise truth or right. Always stay true and right.
Saint Adolf Hitler. Always be thankful for him. And don’t be ashamed. And search for truth about anything you hear.
If it sounds against his public character or things sound against the true teaching of the Catholic faith of 2000 years, etc. Recognize that things that don’t match to the truth we know as the character or nature of people or the Church, are not true.
The Church of today was altered for the temporary time, like the nations, since enemy control of the world, but the truth still exists and will be victorious and will reign.
A correction to what I wrote in the previous comment.
God saved Saint Adolf Hitler from death 44 times or more.
The number of two dozen is about the number of peace offers he made to end the war, and which the british government rejected.
I often mix the two numbers up, because it is lots of each.
He survived 44 times or more.
And he heard at least one voice or saw one apparation of Jesus (although I think these might be two separate occasions of Jesus not only one).
And he saw one apparation of Mary who gave him a message which I paraphrase from memory as something like: you are destined for a great purpose (for God).
I think that great purpose is that he united the german people restored the german and Holy Roman Empire and saved the german and european and world’s people from the more total conquest by evil.
And he gave us hope by his achievement, for us to hope and believe in victory today.
And it will come and is coming.
God bless us all.
I remembered the Catholic and Protestant percentages of united germany and austria, incorrectly.
The 1939 census has 40% Catholic, 54% Protestant.
And 3.4% God believer (with no denomination), 1% Other religion, 1.5% irreligious.
Austria, and sudetenland were united with germany at the time of this census, and polish occupied germans were united with germany probably after this census.
Perhaps polish occupied germans would also include and add some more Catholics to the percentage.
I apologize for the error.