National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 03.25.25
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Paul Stevenson joins the show for a discussion of the death of free speech plus a lot of other things.
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A matter of justice.
What was the population percentage and distribution in ukraine (in the territorial post 1991 borders) of ethnic ukrainians and of russians or non ukrainians, in the time period of before world war one and before the communist revolution?
The russian state today and the russian empire has many national people groups.
National people groups exist for a long history (usually they exist before their state exists and the state is a nation state created after and in relation to the already existing national people, according to the territory they are able to occupy), even whether or not they have their own national state at any time (although they are in danger of going extinct when they do not have a state for some time or if a conqueror persecutes them.
Here is a point I want to raise. And which includes the issue of justice.
There are two possible episodes of ethnic cleansing in reality which happened to the ukrainian people.
1. Example one.
I have heard that after the communist revolution, and the war of national groups rebelling or defending themselves, either for the russian tzar government state empire, or for their own defence, against a communist red army terror.
Also there were one or more other groups which attacked national peoples, like bandits or anarchists or terrorists.
Whether it is called a civil war or not.
But I have heard part of these wars and red terrors and retributions included the communist red army or other armed terrorists, killing or mass murdering and targeting national people or ethnic groups as a whole as well as other groups like religious or political or classes, in fact genociding.
Against people who were against the communist revolution and power, or who were just not supporting and part of it.
My point is, many people groups were targeted and many people were killed, in killing for people for being political or ethnic enemies.
Ukrainians or at least part of the ukrainian people are one of these groups who are said to have been genocided in this way.
The communists genocided people in many nations and territorial areas. Then following this they moved other foreign people around to alter population percentages and distributions in territories, to lessen the population and majority percentage or existing percentage of the population who were there already. They probably also moved populations around like this with or without genociding people too, like the mass immigration replacement genocide of today.
These population invasion, mass immigration replacements. With or without an accompanying genocide of the existing population (today abortion, birth reductions, wars, are all also as genocides of existing populations). Are genocide of the population, and alteration of the population and percentage and the relation to the land occupied. It is genocide of poulation and ethnic cleansing of territory.
2. Example two.
We know that ten or fifteen million people or so were genocided in ukraine in the famines and genocides of murder similar to the targeting of what happened in example one against the enemies of the communist power occupying the nations, in what is known as the holodomor.
A second aspect to this genocide which is sometimes stated, but often not heard of by people. Is that after the mass deaths of people in the genocide. Population movements brought in new populations deliberately. I think the new people were mostly russians.
And so I am unsure how this affected ukraine, which territorial land was ethnically cleansed and immigration invaded and replaced or population altered, and how much the percentages changed in which areas.
I forget the correct numbers. But I think I remember hearing the population of ukraine fell from 90 percent ukrainians to 70 percent ukrainians after the holodomor. I think it is david duke who said this but I may be wrong.
This percentage can be a combination of genocide deaths of ukrainians. It may also include the new invading population groups like russians altering the population proportions. Or it may only include the deaths immediately of the genocide, and the alteration from immigrants may be an additional effect to add on later.
Here is the point:
This whole issue of ukrainians dying, and immigrants probably mostly russians coming in to partly replace the ukrainians, as foreign immigrants colonizing the land. Is an injustice I think.
It is also akin to the jews coming into palestine, causing deaths, expulsion, ethnic cleansing of palestinian existing populations. Replacing them as foreign colonists on their land.
How big the injustice is depends on how many deaths, how many immigrants, how much the percentage proportions in areas of land changed?
I think some russians probably did exist in some areas before world war 1. But even some of them may have settled there some time before and not been there for a long time. Or some may have been there some time. I think it is likely the russians were in small numbers in ukraine (post 1991 borders), since at some time russia took that land during wars with the turkish empire or some kind of people like turks.
So when people say, russians are the east of ukraine today. Or it is russian speaking in majority, and russian ethnic people in large part or in majority.
On the surface that is true. But why is it true?
I can’t help having this question and objection or problem.
How did the population of that land become the russian population it is today?
Is it the result of ethnic cleansing? Genocide? Deliberate immigration invasion replacement?
As in the one or two big examples of genocide I explained.
But also immigration colonization probably happened at other times of the decades when ukrainians were under soviet union control, or all the way through the centuries too after the russian empire took the land from the turks or whoever (not that the turks were rightful to control it. They are not.).
A just (of justice) outcome cannot be founded on an unjust foundation.
If current population (its existence, number, proportion of percentage and compared to any other different groups of peoples) in a land is a result of the injustice of deliberate (it is certainly deliberate and not accidental) genocide and ethnic cleansing, to lessen a population in their land and to lessen their claim or ability to keep the land, or to lessen their influence over the area as a governing power or national group, etc.
Then this is clearly an unjust present situation, and an outcome of unjust past actions.
I do not know what the proportion of ukrainians or russians was, in which areas of land. Before world war 1. Before these two examples of big genocide and ethnic cleansing, as well as the ethnic cleansing of further immigration at other times apart from after the genocides.
If this can be known or found out, then a correct judgement could be made.
So I cannot know which areas of land are certainly ukrainian by justice and are only russian by ethnic cleansing.
Or if russians did have a population of some percentage in some areas before ethnic cleansing, and went as migrants not as an invasion, and could say they have a right to be a minority today in a ukrainian majority state.
But in any areas wherever russians were not a majority of the population before workd war 1. It would be unjust and so would be wrong, for this land to be separated from ukrainian people and to be given to russians in a separate state. This is annexing or stealing land, through invasion of immigrants to become a population majority and then taking possession from the original people who the land belonged to.
You can understand why ukrainians do not want to allow land to be separated from the ukrainian state. If it is possible that it has become russian majority by an unjust reason of genocide and ethnic cleansing and immigration invasion replacement.
Is the ukrainian desire to keep the land. And opposition to the land being separated. Based on only that the ukraine borders after 1991 included this land?
Or is their view motivated by what I said, that this land (including some or all of what is currently russian majority speaking and a large ethnic russian proportion in the east) was ethnic ukrainian national people majority at some time, like before world war 1? And has been only altered as a result of deliberate genocide and ethnic cleansing and immigration replacement population changing policy and actions?
Is this true? And do the ukrainians have awareness of, or think of this issue, as part of their view and position? And as why they are fighting for that land?
In the beginning I opposed the ukraine side in the war. As there was the illegal foreign caused coup. The same causers of the war. And the evil side (jews side) was on the ukraine side for war.
But when considering the result after the war. I have sympathy for ukraine.
About land. And about sovereign freedom.
But russia is also unfair in its demands and attitude.
It is illegal and not right to take land by conquest. They say they occupy it during a war, regardless of if they did not start it, and that they claim the referendums have validity.
But transfer of land as a result of war is illegal and wrong. And referendums cannot be legitimate during a war or occupation like that either.
It is again like the jews seizing land in the wars in palestine, egypt, syria, lebanon, and demanding that they have legal right to keep the land. Or to occupy it. Or to have authority over the people and treat them any way they want, or have claim over the resources of the land. It is illegal. The illegally taken land must be given back and the occupation forces must leave.
And they are saying ukraine has to denazify. It is not allowed a view or way of life russia does not like.
David duke says usa has the right to use force to prevent a hostile enemy, or just a non friend, from having missiles or a threat, near enough to you, for you to feel at threat if there would be an attack in future. Like a pre crime that has not happened yet.
Like soviet missiles in cuba. Or russian or china or iran missiles in mexico or canada today. Or something.
And that russia is saying or david duke is saying, nato missiles in ukraine is a threat. Or russia and david duke are saying even ukraine itself with its own existence and military, is a threat to russia, if it is hostile and has this kind of thinking or ideology of russia as a threat to it.
They say ukraine is a threat that can’t be allowed to exist unless it is demilitarized so no longer a military threat. And politically resricted so it is not allowed to be hostile to russis or to see russia as a threat. So it must be outlawed and limited in having an ideology and thinking that sees russia as enemy.
This is disgusting and like a supremacist thinking.
They are saying no nation is allowed to be sovereign free in its choices and thinking, or to have a military. Unless we accept it. And if not then we have a right to use force or war to force it to be castrated in those ways so as to be as no longer a threat.
This is what the usa and jews and their domination over the world have been doing for all of our lifetimes. And british empire and others before. It is what the jewish state also does in its reach.
This is what causes all the wars. And takes away peoples’ freedom. Trying to destroy everyone who is different so that no one can exist except you and the ones who align with you or who submit to you. And to have a universal domination of your way in the world.
If you have an opponent who you don’t like existing. Or who is a threat. You have to accept the reality. You can’t just act to destroy them. If you don’t want it done to you and it is not done to you, how can you think you can act this way but would not want it being done to you?
So I reject this domination of force on the world (or on other nations) by jews, or usa, or russia, or anyone else. Except God and His Kingdom as that is the only true and right order.
Especially when russia is demanding to keep land as a result of a war. And to dictate ukrainian way of sovereign ideology and government and civilization values. By demanding denazification. Which is to outlaw a view russia does not like. I oppose this strongly, this is against sovereign freedom.
This way of imposing world supremacist dictatorship by force has been cruelly forced on all of the world by the usa ever since its existence, this is how liberalism was forced on the world, and wars forced it.
(Yes outside the usa, europeans and other people think very differently than the usa foundational thinking, of how usa people have been taught to see the world all based on seeing the creation of usa as a correct beginning of a state. When it was an illegitimate separation from legitimate authority and so a rebellion against God’s natural order and replacing it with a man as primary and a man decided order.).
And it has also been forced on the world since world war 1 and 2. The usa was the first and only liberal democracy and now almost all countries were forced to become like it, in the usa’s image. It is a wrong and unnatural and Anti God image. This has been a big evil in the world.
A nation has the right to exist. And not to have its population genocided, or immigrants replacing the population, or its identity replaced. Or not to have its land taken by force (that reminds me it also happened to germany after world war 1.
Or not to have empires broken and colonies taken by force, as happened to many nations since world war 1, world war 2, and after, and all forced really by those envious of them and who wanted to harm and reduce them, or to take from them. As jews, usa, or others did to others when they are weak at various times.
There are many bad things of history. I hope this will stop happening.
Ukraine should not lose land if the land was ukrainian before genocide and ethnic cleansing.
All White people are facing this in our nations. We should not lose our nations or sovereignty or land or identity of the nation, because of the deliberate genocide and replacement of our population.
If we accept injustice of this for the outcome after the ukraine war, or in the middle east, and populations killed or replaced, and land taken. Or sovereignty denied and foreign powers having control over nations sovereignty and freedom. How can we defend our national people and existence and sovereignty and freedom and land and identity of White people in our nations.
The usa is a multicultural nation of mixing many european national people and now others. It has not been founded as a nation state (another reason why it is unnatural) and does not defend the identity of nation state.
It is an unnatural image which should not have been exported to others or forced on the world, and it is the creator and causer of modern multiculturalism.
European nations (and most latin american nations in majority are of one main european nation not many, and mixed with natives. Canada and australia and new zealand were not multi cultural until after world war 2, it was only usa alone who was.) are nation states of national peoples.
National people have to be able to exist.
And nations have a right to exist with sovereign freedom, and for strong nations not to benefit by preying on other nations.
The usa took land from multiple nations for its territory, made revolutions to separate american colonies of all of the americas from their european empires, broke up empires and claimed that empires should not own far off lands or govern other peoples and then took or tried to take the broken off land for itself, like hawaii (philippines for a time), some islands, separated cuba from spain thrn tried to take cuba, took puerto rico. Got military bases worldwide by intimidation or by fear. What kind of immoral duplicitous behaviour or nature is this? It is definitely a negative behaviour and image for the world.
How much of the world’s problems have come as a result of the existence and behaviour and actions of the usa, against the Christian, and natural order
And against Catholic europe, and against europe?
There is a reason usa has been seen as a centre for jewish power, and a jewish power and influence new jewish state.
I hope usa will be converted to a Catholic nation state which would be a repentance and a return to God, if it can be possible. Otherwise I think it will break up. It is created from an unjust history of rebelling against God and against the legitimate authority of the european colonizing nations, and continually taking land from other nations by force or coercion (even supposed purchases were when the seller had little choice, by war or debt). And spreading this behaviour as an Anti Christ Kingdom to fill the world, in order to deny the Kingdom of God to fill the world.
Just wars should follow just war theory.
It should not cause more injustice, and more future problems than it was fought about.
Thank you for your time.