National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 1.30.24

By RBN January 30, 2024 13:04

Kato joins the show: Crisis at the Southern Border, Crises abroad. Also, should we have mass deportations of people who wear covid masks? I want to see which of my followers believe the science is fake and gay.

By RBN January 30, 2024 13:04
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  1. Edward January 30, 13:19

    The science is fake and gay!

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  2. mike January 30, 15:40

    From what I remember, the science supporting them is almost non-existant, handful of studies like one on hairdressers implying they work weighed against many decades of studies in hospitals showing they don’t.

    Masks Don’t Work
    A review of science relevant to COVID-19 social policy
    Denis G. Rancourt, PhD

    In a shop few years ago when noticing all their signs demanding masks I asked if they required one to shop, guy behind counter offered me a mask and I declined and walked out. Was out the door when I got all this attitude, I told him I ‘m following your rules i don’t need the attitude at which point he and a customer started going off and getting in my face swearing and yelling and saying that they have no attitude ironically. So that’s what’s going on its irrational something like white feather given to men in WW1 or something.

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  3. bob88 January 31, 19:03

    …jewish science…

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