National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 12.08.23

By RBN December 8, 2023 13:17

More late night phone calls with Dr. Duke about these Jews and their incessant shenanigans.

By RBN December 8, 2023 13:17
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  1. bob88 December 9, 10:44

    …incessant. Perpetual. Without significant exception. Eventually we’re going to have to draw a conclusion about that. Eventually we should stick a label on it. It may not be all of them, the same as nothing is all blacks or all Whites or anybody else. But anything that exists has to have a label on it, to organize it and put it where it belongs. As close to a true name as we can call it.

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  2. C January 6, 02:40

    Super Good show. Thank you so much! I got into an accident and my ortho doc wrote up an order for me to go to a PT clinic affiliated with the hospital at the Jewish Community Center. I was not comfortable with it — but tried it anyway. A huge complex with a private school for grade school etc and just many buildings all sort of locked down except for the JCC gym. So I walked in there, total security check point, etc. and then a gym & basketball court and I was on crutches and suffering with a broken pelvis, pubic bone, hip, illiac crest. could barely walk…. these weirdos were practically running me over – slamming the door at me, and no one ever asked if I needed help !!! at a PT Clinic!!!!… The three large three story flags in the gym area made me almost vomit. I had to walk through there to get to the clinic. These were nasty and rude people. It must be noted that I am white and blonde w/green eyes, mostly German. I suppose I look that way (?) then there were cars parked outside and in the neighborhood with bumper stickers that said ZION. I will never go back to that area again. I can drive around that complex and take another street if I need to be somewhere in that area. Just awful —

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