National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 5.10.24

By RBN May 10, 2024 13:04

Bigass Boomervision: Drive to the Basketball game, Tulsi Gabbard, Not overstating the case, lots and lots of Engelbert Poindexter.

By RBN May 10, 2024 13:04
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  1. Edward May 11, 01:12

    A superb show of insights, views and news and a potpourrit of lyrics and soundtracks to win an award.

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    • bob88 May 11, 12:22

      Pattery is very talented.

      The Irish know how to sing.
      Probably at least as good as a limey.

      But in an even better way.
      The Irish sound is more folk based, a proper European sound.
      Where they limey makes all that satanic metal noise.

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  2. cee May 12, 04:47

    Not a fan of Jeremy. or Kato or William. A bit much. Why all of the characters???? Could not listen, but thanks for the effort. Wish you would have stated it was a Patrick and Jeremy(?) show at the beginning. Moving on…

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