National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 5.14.24

By RBN May 14, 2024 13:01

Mark Collett joins the show: What do you mean white people have no culture? What about the McHaggis Happy Meal?

By RBN May 14, 2024 13:01
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  1. Edward May 16, 03:45

    Solid, no nonsense show. Two erudite and literate adults discussing. No faggots calling in.

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  2. Jack Brody May 18, 16:59

    Listening to what they said about 9-11 (the World Trade Center demolitions) made me think that they may not know that it was a false-flag attack executed by the ZOG System.

    First, three indisputable facts.

    1. Steel-framed skyscrapers will not and cannot collapse because of fire. They are designed and constructed to remain standing even when fires are raging.

    2. If the government had thought that the three buildings in New York had collapsed because of fire, then the authorities would have carefully examined all of the rubble in order to find out why and to determine the changes that needed to be made to the building codes. Since those in charge knew that fire did not cause the collapse of the buildings, all of the evidence (the rubble) was illegally disposed of as quickly as possible. Most of the large steel beams were shipped to China.

    3. Since the wreckage of a jet airliner was not found at the Pentagon, it is certain that a jet airliner did not hit the Pentagon.

    On that day, not long after the Twin Towers had been turned to dust, the System told us that they had been brought down by the impact of two airliners and the resulting fires.

    The System eventually told us that a total of four planes had been hijacked by passengers with box-cutters, and we were even told the names of the hijackers.

    But how did the System know which of the passengers had done the hijacking? Did the hijackers get on the radio, identify themselves, and announce their intentions? No. Did the crews of the planes get on the radio and say that Arab hijackers with box-cutters had taken over? No.

    Perhaps the minions of the System examined the passenger lists and said “Aha! Here are some men with Arab names. They must be the hijackers!” No. The names of the men that we are told did the hijackings are not even on those passenger lists. (If their names were not on the passenger lists, then they were not on those airplanes; if they were not on those airplanes, then they did not hijack those airplanes. I hope that this ultra convoluted reasoning isn’t hurting your brain.)

    So what did the System present as evidence about the hijackers? Cell-phone calls made by passengers on the planes. However, such calls would have been impossible. At that time in the U.S., a cell-phone tower even had great difficulty handing over to the next tower a call from a phone in an automobile going 70 miles per hour. One of the calls lasted 18 minutes. Later, when it had been amply proven that cell-phone calls could not have been made from airliners, the System amended its lies. It said that the calls were made by airphones, telephones provided by the airlines. Then why did caller-ID show the recipients of the calls that they had come from cell-phones?

    A stewardess from one of the planes left a message on her husband’s answering machine. The answering machine showed that the call had been made by her cell-phone. She recited the tale of how the plane had been hijacked, but just before she hung up, she whispered “It’s a frame!”

    Since the call was made with her cell-phone, we know that she was on the ground, not in the air. She was being forced by her captors to lie to her husband.

    It has been shown that many of the alleged hijackers were still alive after 9-11. That’s rather puzzling, isn’t it? I didn’t know that it was possible for a man who is alive today to have been killed on an earlier day. But if the System says that it is so, then it must be so!

    If it is proven that a witness has lied, then all of his testimony becomes completely worthless. Everything that he says becomes worth less than nothing. From that point on, to listen to him with the expectation of hearing some truth is insanely foolish.

    We have not heard any audio from the cockpit voice recorders of the four planes that were allegedly hijacked. The Masters tell us that the two recorders from the planes that hit the Twin Towers were never found and that the one found at the Pentagon was so badly damaged that it was unusable. The F.B.I. says that it has the one from that airliner that allegedly crashed in Pennsylvania, but they refuse to let us hear the recording. Aren’t you grateful to the Masters?

    In violation of protocol, not a single fighter plane was scrambled to go after the hijacked airliners. We are told that a large plane was allowed to penetrate the most heavily defended airspace in the world on its way to the Pentagon and was not shot down by a missile or even challenged by a fighter plane.

    The military commanders who were responsible for protecting New York City and Washington, D.C. on that day were not punished for their malfeasance. Instead, they were all promoted.

    The Arab who allegedly flew an airliner into the Pentagon wasn’t even qualified to solo in a single-engine Cessna. We are told that as he was getting close to the Pentagon, he decided that it wouldn’t be very nice to hit the wall of the Pentagon that lay directly ahead of him; so he made an incredible maneuver, a 270-degree turn, that resulted in the plane’s hitting a part of the Pentagon that was undergoing renovation and that contained the fewest employees. (Experts have stated that it would have taken an experienced pilot in a jet fighter many attempts to accomplish that feat.) Like all hijackers, that Arab was extremely sweet and saintly, and he was given superhuman powers by God to enable him to complete his mission.

    The type of airplane that allegedly hit the Pentagon had two massive jet engines that were nine feet in diameter and largely constructed of almost indestructible titanium. No such engines were found at the crash site. That fact alone proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the System is lying.

    Where an airplane crashes, airplane wreckage is found. When you find the airplane wreckage, you’ve found where the airplane crashed. The wreckage of a Boeing 757 was not found at the Pentagon. Therefore, a Boeing 757 did not crash at the Pentagon. Anyone who can’t understand that is simple-minded.

    Major General Albert Stubblebine: “One of my experiences in the Army was being in charge of the Army’s imagery interpretation…. I look at the hole in the Pentagon, and I look at the size of an airplane that was supposed to have hit the Pentagon: the plane does not fit in that hole. So what did hit the Pentagon?”

    Col. George Nelson (Aircraft accident investigator, U.S. Air Force): “With all the evidence readily available at the Pentagon crash site, any unbiased rational investigator could only conclude that a Boeing 757 did not fly into the Pentagon.”

    Norman Mineta, Transportation Secretary, in sworn testimony before the 9/11 Commission, described what happened as the aircraft approached the Pentagon: “There was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President ‘The plane is 50 miles out’, ‘The plane is 30 miles out.’ And when he got down to ‘The plane is 10 miles out’, the young man also said to the Vice President ‘Do the orders still stand?’ and the Vice President … whipped his neck around and said ‘Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?'”

    It’s obvious that the orders in question were not to shoot down the incoming aircraft.

    Mineta’s testimony was omitted from the final “9/11 Commission Report”.

    In 2004 the 9/11 Commission interviewed Douglas Cochrane, the young man who said “Do the orders still stand?” Of course, the interview has been withdrawn from public access, and it still remains classified.

    The F.B.I. confiscated many tapes from security cameras that showed the aircraft approaching the Pentagon, and then they refused to release them to the public. We were finally given a few frames of video from two cameras that were taken at the moment of approach and impact. However, both cameras had the same point of view, and the frames do not show the aircraft. (The cameras only took one picture per second.) At least one frame had been doctored.

    There are well-tested standards that govern the design and construction of skyscrapers. Architects and engineers know about fire. They know about steel and how it is affected by heat. They even know about jet airliners (although the True Believers in the System’s lies find that inconceivable). In fact, each of the twin towers was specifically designed and built to withstand the impact of more than one jet airliner.

    Some say that the steel beams couldn’t survive the extra-special heat generated by that super-duper flammable liquid called “jet fuel”. They don’t point out that “jet fuel” is simply kerosene. (This tells me that they are either contemptibly, disgustingly, and inexcusably ignorant or psychopathically dishonest.) The kerosene burned up very quickly and had little effect on the steel beams. And the third building to fall wasn’t hit by a plane.

    The firemen that were in the first building that collapsed weren’t worried. They said on the radio that the fire could be easily knocked down. New York City firemen know about fires in skyscrapers. They believed that skyscrapers don’t collapse because of fire. And they were right.

    Although there have been quite a few fires in skyscrapers around the world, none of those buildings collapsed as a result. And yet we are expected to believe that three skyscrapers collapsed on the same day because of relatively small fires. Anyone who believes that will believe absolutely anything that the System tells him. He will start believing that 2 + 2 = 5 as soon as the System starts saying that.

    Popular Mechanics magazine is credited with inducing the American sheeple to believe that the absurd “pancaking theory” explains how the two towers were able to collapse at near free-fall speed and turn to dust. And who was the “senior researcher” for that article? Someone named Benjamin Chertoff. Yes, a relative of Michael Chertoff. (If the floors had pancaked, the massive central steel columns would have remained standing.)

    The January 2002 issue of Fire Engineering magazine characterized the FEMA investigation of the collapse of the three buildings as “a half-baked farce”. Eric Hufschmid: “Later that month, both Bush and Cheney asked Tom Dashiell to ‘limit the investigation’. Apparently, a half-baked farce was more of an investigation than Bush and Cheney wanted. I suppose they would have preferred a quarter-baked farce.”

    Eric Hufschmid: “During April, 2002 the final bits of rubble from the World Trade Center were removed. The thick pieces of steel were sold to foreign nations as scrap metal and at a very low price, while the less valuable pieces were shipped by barge to be buried…. The editor of Fire Engineering wrote months earlier that this destruction of rubble is illegal. He pointed out that our laws demand that rubble be saved from major disasters so that we can learn what happened and improve our buildings and fire prevention techniques. Our government violated the law when it destroyed the rubble from the World Trade Center.” There would have been no need for the government to violate the law if the towers had been brought down by Arab terrorists. The fact that the government hastily and illegally destroyed all the evidence proves that the government’s allegations are lies.

    After the FBI-engineered bomb attack in 1993 (the FBI ordered their paid informant to build a fully functional bomb for the terrorists; 6 people were killed; hundreds were injured; the monsters in the FBI were not even prosecuted), bomb-sniffing dogs were added to the security system of the towers. On September 6, 2001, five days before the demolition of the buildings, the dogs were inexplicably removed.

    Employees who were in the sub-basements of the North Tower say that they heard and felt explosions before an aircraft hit either tower.

    If the buildings had not conveniently collapsed on that day, if they had merely been damaged, it would have been illegal to use controlled demolition to remove them. The buildings were full of asbestos. Before the buildings were eliminated, the Twin Towers had become liabilities. “The Port Authority was looking at an asbestos-abatement bill of as much as 1 billion dollars.”

    Let’s perform a thought experiment. We have two identical 100-story steel-framed skyscrapers. Using our magical powers, we remove the lowest 75 stories of the first building, leaving the top 25 stories untouched. At the same instant, we remove only 5 contiguous stories from the second building, leaving the lowest 70 stories and the highest 25 stories untouched. At that instant, the 25-story tops of both buildings are poised in mid-air, ready to fall. However, the first has only air between it and the ground, while the second has 5 stories of air followed by 70 stories of steel-framed skyscraper. The tops of the two buildings begin to fall. Which do you think is going to hit the ground first? Don’t you think that it will take a lot longer for the second one to hit the ground (if it hits the ground at all)? And yet, the Twin Towers fell at virtually free-fall speed.

    We have video showing molten steel flowing from one of the Twin Towers before either had collapsed.

    Virtually all of the concrete in the floors of the Twin Towers was pulverized (converted to dust) before the floors even hit the ground. Doing that required a tremendous amount of energy, energy for which there is no evident source.

    Some of the concrete was melted. How was a temperature high enough to do that generated?

    So what is the System’s explanation for the magical way that the towers were able virtually to collapse at free-fall speed and turn to dust? They cannot give an explanation. They don’t even pretend to. NIST’s 10,000 page report discusses only the initiation of the collapses. A footnote on page 82 states that the report “does not actually include the structural behavior of the tower after the conditions for collapse initiation were reached and collapse became inevitable.”

    In May 2002, FEMA released its report on the collapse of the buildings. We read: “The specifics of the fires in Building 7 and how they caused the building to collapse remain unknown at this time.”

    Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: “It is a non-controversial fact that the official explanation of the collapse of the WTC buildings is false.”

    Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (

    “As there is no doubt whatsoever that Building 7 was wired for demolition, the question is why? …

    “Only an uneducated and ignorant public can believe the official 9/11 story. The U.S. population fits this description. …

    “In America, truth is a career-killing word.

    ” … In the United States today people can lie at will without consequence, but it is deadly to tell the truth.”

    Richard Gage, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth: ” … more than 1500 architects and engineers … are calling for a new investigation into the destruction of these three World Trade Center high-rises.”

    Orwell: “Who controls the past … controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”

    Revilo P. Oliver: “Professor Goldman … claimed that he and ‘most historians’ regarded history as a ‘weapon’ to be used for ‘determining people’s ideas and attitudes.'”

    Hear Frederick C. Blackburn explain to Jan Lamprecht why the alleged cell-phone calls were impossible:

    A masterful shredding of the System’s 9-11 lies:
    “9-11: The New Pearl Harbor”

    Jan Lamprecht introduces and shows a video by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth:

    “Painful Deceptions” by Eric Hufschmid:

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