National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 5.17.24

By RBN May 17, 2024 13:05

Boomervision: Jon Stewart said something pretty profound about the Palestinians. Also, more about lazy argumentation, and lots of Eddy Arnold music. As if you won’t get enough in the next hour with Mark Dankof.

By RBN May 17, 2024 13:05
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  1. bob88 May 17, 21:58

    But did the jew say something that you dont already know?

    Berceuse if you think jew is going to save you from its own jew crimes,
    thats never happened once yet.

    He has nothing to lose by saying something that he knows that you already know.
    But if he’s lucky, you’ll think he’s a good one,
    and run around making excuses that its not all of them.

    That if we can just spot all the john stewerts in a crowd of jews,
    that thats going to fix it.

    In fact it might be the opposite.
    That jill stein is actually getting more Palestinians killed,
    by allowing her to mix herself into any attempt to stop her own crimes.

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  2. Edward May 18, 03:41

    Excellent show!! Thank you Patrick.

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  3. Edward May 18, 04:00

    A nice dab of classical music from DPR Korea would not go amiss.

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