National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 6.13.24

By RBN June 13, 2024 13:15

Boomervision: Patrick explains why Fed-posting is such a problem, then plays a clip of David Duke talking to a reporter as an example of how one SHOULD talk.

By RBN June 13, 2024 13:15
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  1. Halfjew June 13, 14:27

    Fed posting? Too late. Should have declared war at least 10 times in the last century. But you will never have the numbers of militiamen required. At least 10 million. 99% of Americans are gay retarded faggots who like getting sodomized by the government and the jews since 1850 or even 1780s. Stick a fork in it. Hopefully it’ll will be suicide by nuclear bear but I won’t hold my breath.

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