National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 8.30.24 

By RBN August 30, 2024 13:00

Boomervision: Patrick talks about Ron Unz’s observations about Candice Owens before going into a variety of issues.

By RBN August 30, 2024 13:00
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  1. Vkash August 30, 20:22

    Ron Unz used the term “promoted opposition” in his latest article. It’s right at the end. But I wonder how you would differ that from a “controlled opposition”. I once heard Rense use the terms “controlled” and “created opposition”, but I don’t think that was in regards to Candace Owens. I just thought that was also an interesting term. I don’t think she would be a created opposition but she could be one of the others. It’s as if she took her talking points straight out of Dr. Duke’s books, except for the Macron’s wife is a man thing. I’ve always wondered if they, you know (((they))), allow certain so-called conspiracy theorists, and perhaps even some critics of Israel, Jews and Zionism, to keep their platforms only if they’re willing to put out a little bit of bullshit too. Thank you for your take on the subject.

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  2. C September 4, 17:24

    Re: Cameras….. I would have to say in the late 80s, (maybe not for you ?) but once more money was flowing in the economy.. after the hideousness of Jimma Carter, cameras began to get sort of big. I have many photos I took back then, my dad was running around with a camera. I went to NYC several times and have many pics with the WTC behind me, etc. (I have those framed right now) As the 90s progressed, all of my family, my boyfriends family, my siblings, my dad especially, were taking several rolls per holiday, or even if we were just hanging out at his second home for the weekend. I have 2-3 large rubbermaid totes, the big ones, full of pics from the 90s. Actually pretty fun going through them. In the early 2000’s digital cameras were big. I prefer the pics from my camera over my cell phone any day. Why did Michelle and Barry put out MANY pics of their wedding, with Jesse Jackson’s daughter???? You of all people should have seen this. Sandita, I think was her name? I have pics of my mom pregnant with my sister. Michelle would have had huge baby showers thrown by these people. Those kids were most likely adopted. They, at first, had similarities to the BHO’s in the early white house years, but those girls have different parents. Many of the videos describing everything I just said, including the wedding pics with Jesse’s daughter– have been scrubbed. So I personally was taking so many pics it is not funny. And I would get doubles of everything.

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