National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 8.8.24 

By RBN August 8, 2024 13:11

Boomervision: Should Israel even exist? Former Israel supporters are starting to say no. What does all this mean?

By RBN August 8, 2024 13:11
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  1. Edward August 8, 13:28

    Good show Patrick. The UNGA imposed two conditions for israel to be created:
    1. Define its borders;
    2. Make full restitutions to the Palestinians who lost their land and ensure right of return.
    THIS HAS NOT HAPPENED so israel is bogus. It is false.

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  2. Halfjew August 8, 15:24

    Lots of shit shouldn’t exist like muzzies, hypermelanism, commies, ugly people , retards, antiwhites, stocks, billionaires, lawmakers and their spawn, women’s rights … Hopefully they’ll eat each other.

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    • MaxxNY August 9, 10:39

      I’ll take the Muslims over the Jews any day. But the problem is the Muslims work for the Jews. They don’t know it but they are the military arm of Judaism. They are one of the military arms of Judaism. The other arms are the bar association. And the AMA where the doctors kill you.
      Everything that emanates from the Jew is Antichrist. At least Islam isn’t saying “Jesus is boiling an excrement in hell”. Though they don’t recognize Jesus as Messiah, they don’t hate Jesus and they accept Jesus as a prophet. Not the Jews.
      The Jews are eternally cursed for killing the Christ.

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  3. MaxxNY August 9, 10:35

    I have a 1922 map of Palestine. Israel does not exist. Those two blue lines? That’s from sea to shining sea. That’s from Ocean to Ocean. Zionism is a communist ideology. Zionism has no borders but their own. In their own narcissist entitlement they feel they own everything and they keep moving in that direction.
    No Jews should be in any Christian’s government. That’s across the board. Lawyers doctors politicians etc etc

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  4. MaxxNY August 9, 11:12

    Israel and Jews should not exist because they are guilty for killing yahweh’s son. Any real estate contract and entitlement at that point was broken. You kill yahweh’s son it’s pretty much a curse for life. The declaration of war. World war started when they nailed Jesus to the cross. Most Jews don’t repent. They just keep doing damage because they are self-hating and probably have wondered why people haven’t killed them yet.

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