National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 9.5.24 

By RBN September 5, 2024 13:00

Boomervision: It’s good that Candice Owens is talking about the Jews, but what she is actually saying is increasingly rubbish.

By RBN September 5, 2024 13:00
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  1. Augur Mayson September 5, 19:02

    The Ethiopian Jews, the beta-Israelis, were not converts to Judaism, and no, Jews didn’t really ever take converts. The Ethiopian Jews sued in Israeli court circa late 1970s for birthright emigration, which initially Israel resisted, presumably because the Tribe didn’t want a bunch of Schwartzes, but the beta-Israelis won the right to move to Israel and a bunch of them did.

    Their claim like all Jews claims of Jewishness are based on proof of Jewish descent, blood. Even if a goy converts, all the Jews know she’s not a Jew even if she “practices”. Whites need not do or vow anything to be Whites. Jews are Jews if they had a Jewish parent. Converts die in decades anyway; but their kids and their kids’ kids, an on forever, will all be Jews.

    Ethiopian Jews are essentially Black-passing Jews, like how some Sephardi might pass for southern Europeans or how some Ashkenazi can pass for northern Europeans or Russians, who are basically Vikings who stabbed inwards into Europe and stayed.

    The beta-Israelis claim lineage, and the Israeli court agreed, from King Solomon, circa 1000 B.C.E., who sired a son named Menelek with the Ethiopian queen of Sheba. This is evidently part of mainstream Jewish history narratives, on account of the Black-passing Jews won in an Israeli court, but the Ethiopian Jews have their own writings, their ‘Glory Of Kings’ that tells of King Solomon flying in on a great airship to visit his son and his baby-mommy.

    The so-called Solomonic line ruled Ethiopia in an unbroken chain until 1975 with the death of Haile Selassie.

    Regarding Candace Owens, she has said some good things and wore a Whute Lives Matter shirt alongside Kanye West, but I consider anyone who has ever given a TedX talk highly suspect of being a statist shill.

    It’s also plausible she may say batty stuff here and there so the thought police take her less seriously, though it’s far more likely it’s done on purpose by her to discredit the stuff she says about Jews of late, like that Jew recently said about her.

    Remember, an atheist Jew is still a Jew.
    Race, not a religion.

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  2. C September 6, 16:46

    Please don’t say “y’all” Oh God.
    Candace was very good friends (or still is) with Kanye West. She came out with him wearing the White Lives Matter t-shirt. in Paris. That was a couple of years ago and set this thing off. Daily Wire is Shapiro’s thing. It is through internet, also on YT, Rumble etc. Candace has connections to the House Of Lords in Britain. She will never fully roll over. Just my opinion. There are no Daily Wire TV channels. She was a speaker for things like TP USA, and what not.

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  3. C September 6, 16:47

    cont – trov –ersy? come on.

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  4. MEANWHILE September 6, 18:59


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