Off The Beaten Path with Steve Elkins, January 19, 2025 Hour 1

By RBN January 19, 2025 19:53

Inauguration Day is on Monday. I have very high expectations, but lately some visual anomalies have had me question the relationship between Donald Trump and his verbally stated enemies.???? Could Donald Trump’s Tariff war,( to save the collapsing dollar), lead to an actual war? A Pardon offered can be refused, but that would mean that no crimes were committed. So why is no one refusing a pardon?

By RBN January 19, 2025 19:53
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1 Comment

  1. Edward January 20, 07:17

    Soon and sooner than soon I hope, we have to get away from this perenical topic of “Trump” and start to talk about all the other things going on in Ameriker. The eonomy, the banking, the Covid vaccines bis….This will require serious homework buit has to be done to save this radio station.

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