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Search Results for "dankof"

National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 7.5.19

🕔14:03, 5.Jul 2019

Mark Dankof and Patrick Slattery discuss the false flag and stealth efforts to lure I ran into a military confrontation with United States.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 6.28.19

🕔14:01, 28.Jun 2019

Mark Dankof does a deep dive into the anti Iranian government terror group known as the MEK that has links to Bolton and is likely carrying out the false flag attacks.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 6.14.19

🕔14:02, 14.Jun 2019

Mark Dankof on Pompeo’s push to bomb Iran, bugger Ukraine.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 6.5.19

🕔10:11, 6.Jun 2019

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof talk about the origins of the Russia Hoax (spoiler alert: it was John Brenner and the CIA)

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 5.31.19

🕔14:01, 31.May 2019

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof discuss the gay stuff, MLK, Mayor Pete, Sexual degeneracy, and whatnot

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 5.23.19

🕔14:03, 23.May 2019

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof talk the push for war with Iran, the European elections, Tulsi Gabbard and Mayor Buttitieg.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 5.10.19

🕔14:39, 10.May 2019

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof discuss the “Deal of the Century” that Kushner would have our government ram down the Palestinian’s throats.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 5.3.19

🕔07:51, 4.May 2019

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof talk about Venezuela, the role of Passover worshipers in gay marriage, and other pressing issues of the day.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 4.24.19

🕔15:40, 24.Apr 2019

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof talk about important and interesting news articles from, including how Christian Zionists are hijacking American foreign policy, how the Deep State conspiracy against Donald Trump has succeeded, and how the Boomerwaffen guarding our southern

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 4.19.19

🕔15:02, 19.Apr 2019

Part two of the panel discussion from yesterday with Slattery, David Duke, Mark Dankof, Adrian Kreig, and Andrew Hitchcock. Then Part two of the interview with Zero Schitzo of Peru about the fundamentals of Jewish power.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 4.18.19

🕔14:34, 18.Apr 2019

Patrick Slattery, David Duke, Mark Dankof, Adrian Kreig, and Andrew Hitchcock have a round table discussion.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 4.11.19

🕔14:51, 11.Apr 2019

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof discuss the Israeli elections and the House hearings on white nationalism.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 4.4.19

🕔14:39, 4.Apr 2019

Mark Dankof on Christian Dispensationalism and America Foreign Policy Patrick and Mark discuss the role that biblical prophecy plays in the foreign policy priorities of the likes of Mike Pompeo and Mike Pense, as well as Israeli politicians like Moshe

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 3.29.19

🕔14:17, 29.Mar 2019

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof Blitzkrieg to the Headlines: Where else are you going to hear Mark Dankof run down the most important headlines to the theme of Das Panzerlied? Only on this show. Plus insights into the New Zealand

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 3.20.19

🕔14:48, 20.Mar 2019

Patrick Slattery talks to Mark Dankof about the Neocon zombie Eliot Abrams rising from the dead to eat brains of Venezuela, plus a digest of interesting news stories from reliable sources.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 3.12.19

🕔14:24, 12.Mar 2019

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof talk about Princess Shiksa and Jared destroying the Trump presidency, Vice President Cheney ragging on Johnny Quest’s dad, and (((Max Boot))) whining that Trump isn’t pro-Israel enough.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 3.5.19

🕔15:27, 5.Mar 2019

Mark Dankof joins Patrick in a discussion of the Ilhan Omar bruhaha. Then after taking a call from a Jewish gentleman, they get to the root of what it is about Jewish behavior in our society that creates problems, and

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 2.27.19

🕔15:02, 27.Feb 2019

Slattery and Dankof on the developments in Vietnam, where the leader of the Free World and Savoir of the White Race has come for negotiations with Donald Trump

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 2.19.19

🕔15:02, 19.Feb 2019

Mark Dankof joins Patrick Slattery in a discussion of the Monica Witt spy case before moving on to Venezuela and France.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 2.14.19

🕔15:02, 14.Feb 2019

Mark Dankof joins Patrick Slattery in a discussion of how Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is getting gay with Ukraine

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