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Search Results for "dankof"

National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 2.8.19

🕔16:28, 8.Feb 2019

Mark Dankof and Patrick Slattery discuss articles on Venezuela, Syria, and Trump’s foreign policy. Lot’s of information and insights.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 1.31.19

🕔15:01, 31.Jan 2019

Mark Dankof and Patrick Slattery do a deep dive into the push for late-term abortion and the role of the Jewish elite and their shock troops .

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 1.30.19

🕔13:01, 30.Jan 2019

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof talk about Venezuela and the neocon takeover of American foreign polic

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 1.23.19

🕔14:37, 23.Jan 2019

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof talk about the Democrat-sponsored bill to force President Trump to stay in NATO, the exploitation of gayness to promote war, and other issues that should not exist.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 1.17.19

🕔15:12, 17.Jan 2019

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof discuss Tulsi Gabbard, the potential for political realignment, the assault on civil liberties represented by the Hashemi arrest, and the insane attack on Donald Trump over his translator’s notes.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 1.10.19

🕔15:04, 10.Jan 2019

Mark Dankof joins Patrick for a discussion of the Ed Buck case and an honest assessment of how we got to where we are with regards to the gay agenda and what would be the proper approach to address the

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 1.2.19

🕔15:15, 2.Jan 2019

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof discuss North Korea, Russia, Syria, and the 2020 elections. Also, a French lesson. “Macron, Pute à Juif!”

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 12.27.18

🕔15:39, 27.Dec 2018

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof discuss Trump’s recovery of his Mojo. In particular, they discuss several articles about what has really been going on in Syria and the American policy in the Middle East. Also, Happy Kwanza, everyone.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 12.21.18

🕔15:45, 21.Dec 2018

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof talk about the James Mattis resignation, the need for President Trump to form an informal “kitchen cabinet” of advisors who share his priorities, Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Chuckie Schumer’s lifelong careers in undermining the goyim,

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 12.20.18

🕔14:30, 20.Dec 2018

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof discuss the Trump decision to withdraw from Syria, the Wall drama, E. Michael Jones’ Culture Wars, and the Israeli-linked Saudi General involved in the Khashoggi murder.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 12.20.18

🕔14:01, 20.Dec 2018

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof discuss the Trump decision to withdraw from Syria, the Wall drama, E. Michael Jones’ Culture Wars, and the Israeli-linked Saudi General involved in the Khashoggi murder.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 12.11.18

🕔15:09, 11.Dec 2018

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof talk about Julian von Abele, the Columbia theoretical physics phenom who was harassed by black students for not acknowledging white congenital evilness. Also, the Jerome Corsi case and much much more.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 12.6.18

🕔15:08, 6.Dec 2018

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof pay (((tribute))) to the late President Bush for his work in destroying the Russian people and bringing permanent war to the Middle East.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 11.29.18

🕔14:01, 29.Nov 2018

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof break down the on-again off-again Trump-Putin meeting, the Jerome Corsi affair, and then advise Trump on personnel for the much-needed shake-up in his administration.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 11.20.18

🕔14:05, 20.Nov 2018

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof discuss the prospects of war with Iran, the Iranian anti-government terrorist group the MEK, and just what to these crazy people think is going to happen if they get their way.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 11.15.18

🕔14:01, 15.Nov 2018

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof on the Israeli assault on Gaza, Zionist politicians in America, and how white is being excluded from the Harvard rainbow

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 10.25.18

🕔13:15, 25.Oct 2018

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof discuss the neocon cabal and their promotion of Nikki Haley and censorship on Facebook. Also lots of other fun stuff.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 10.23.18

🕔13:06, 23.Oct 2018

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof talk about Trump’s intention to withdraw from the INF nuclear treaty with Russia, the hijacking of Trump’s foreign policy, the attack on white heterosexual men, and a new support group for Jewish transgender, uh, people.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 10.16.18

🕔13:01, 16.Oct 2018

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof talk about what the Khashoggi incident means for U.S.-Saudi-Israeli relations, Ron Unz’s assertion that Israel was behind 9-11, and the various controlled opposition groups being financed by the Jewish Federation of San Francisco.

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National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 10.10.18

🕔13:05, 10.Oct 2018

Mark Dankof exposes nefarious Saudi role in everything.

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