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Road Warrior Radio with Chris Hinkley, July 8, 2016 H2

Road Warrior Radio with Chris Hinkley, July 8, 2016 H2

🕔15:01, 8.Jul 2016

Continuation of discussion from Hour 1.

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Road Warrior Radio with Chris Hinkley, July 8, 2016 H1

🕔11:01, 8.Jul 2016

The recent shootings compared & contrasted: Alton Sterling & Philando Castile vs. Dallas Protest shootings. All look like Operation Gladio [B] style Ops. One of the most pivotal and profound subtle, implicit messages that immerges is: all lives are not

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The John Moore Show with John Moore, July 8, 2016 H2

🕔10:53, 8.Jul 2016 Read Full Article

The John Moore Show with John Moore, July 8, 2016 H1

🕔09:51, 8.Jul 2016 Read Full Article

Resurrect The Republic with Thomas Lacovara-Stewart, July 7, 2016 Hour 2

🕔23:09, 7.Jul 2016

How & Why Your Mortgage is Nothing More Than Legal Fiction w/ Ken Dost Guest Host: Lorri Anderson is joined by Laurie and caller Chris from Las Vegas continue into the ObamaCare fraud.  

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Resurrect The Republic with Thomas Lacovara-Stewart, July 7, 2016 Hour 1

🕔22:00, 7.Jul 2016

How & Why Your Mortgage is Nothing More Than Legal Fiction w/ Ken Dost Guest Host: Lorri Anderson is joined by Laurie and caller Chris from Las Vegas discussing mortgage fraud.

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The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller, July7, 2016 Hour 2

🕔20:00, 7.Jul 2016

The recent police shootings and the militarization of police.

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The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller, July 7, 2016 Hour 1

🕔19:00, 7.Jul 2016

The recent police shootings and the militarization of police.

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What Really Happened with Michael Rivero, July 7, 2016 Hour 3

🕔18:00, 7.Jul 2016

The NWO globalists are in full panic mode, while they attempt to distract people into a race war.

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What Really Happened with Michael Rivero, July 7, 2016 Hour 2

🕔17:00, 7.Jul 2016

More on the FBI, James Comey, and Hillary, also coverage of Tony Blair and the Chilcot Report. Crooked bankers are coming under attack from the people, in some countries.

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What Really Happened with Michael Rivero, July 7, 2016 Hour 1

🕔16:00, 7.Jul 2016

Hillary and the Clinton scandals are all now current news.

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Road Warrior Radio with Chris Hinkley, July 7, 2016 H2

🕔12:49, 7.Jul 2016

The opportunistic, Machiavellian political posturing is little more than a circus act; be it FBI Dir. Comey sidestepping the Clinton email scandal, Donald Trumps blistering of the media, Speaker Paul Ryan’s assertion Hillary Clinton ‘clearly lives above the law’, etc.

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Road Warrior Radio with Chris Hinkley, July 7, 2016 H1

🕔11:46, 7.Jul 2016

The current political climate in America is an ever-reminiscent harbinger of the tyrannical, dictatorial, draconian WWII era regimes America once so stridently opposed. “I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture … “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of

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The John Moore Show with John Moore, July 7, 2016 H2

🕔10:43, 7.Jul 2016

Guest: Tim Spencer Tim Spencer continues the broadcast with John Moore to discuss developments at as well as updates to the

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The John Moore Show with John Moore, July 7, 2016 H1

🕔09:43, 7.Jul 2016

Guests: Tim Spender & Tom Berryhill Tim Spencer and John discuss the recent shooting of Phillando Castille before delving briefly into hobby farm prep. Tom Berryhill joins at the bottom of the hour to discuss the Energy Cleaner.

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Resurrect The Republic with Thomas Lacovara-Stewart, July 6, 2016 Hour 2

🕔23:04, 6.Jul 2016

TREASON is a MISSION WE HAVE NO FEAR to FIGHT Lorri Anderson, Carl Swensson, and Judge Paul Nally join Tom to expose their fight against corrupt county government in Georgia.

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Resurrect The Republic with Thomas Lacovara-Stewart, July 6, 2016 Hour 1

🕔22:00, 6.Jul 2016

TREASON is a MISSION WE HAVE NO FEAR to FIGHT Lorri Anderson, Carl Swensson, and Judge Paul Nally join Tom to expose their fight against corrupt county government in Georgia.

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The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, July 6, 2016

🕔21:00, 6.Jul 2016

Trump continues to steamroll through his campaign, bashing Crooked Hillary and laying out his plans for office.

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The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller, July 6, 2016 Hour 2

🕔20:00, 6.Jul 2016

The FBI’s James Comey’s refusal to charge Hillary Clinton and connections with Attorney General Loretta Lynch and HSBC. Plus, gun control comments from Matt Damon.

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The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller, July 6, 2016 Hour 1

🕔19:00, 6.Jul 2016

John spends time turning over some of the government conspiracies, lawlessness, and inadequacies.  

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