Perception Management w/ Keith Rodgers – Jan.12, 2020

By RBN January 13, 2020 00:16

Tonight’s theme is.. “US Policy in the Middle East”

This planet has been faced with ephemeral Empires that last a few hundred years each. Though many today wouldn’t like to hear it, the United States is by it’s own weight of internal corruption, it’s debts and a world that is tired of being Vassals to a dying Empire.

This dying Empire thinks it can sanction, place tariffs or wage wars on anyone they want to maintain it’s corporate structure. Look around folk’s… This isn’t the country we grew up in.  Thus to maintain those corporate profits, other countries have to pay the price and their people’s suffer.

I’ve highlighted what the CIA has done to Asia and Central and So. America, and there are some Americans that just don’t care as long as they are paying the lowest prices for material things or food for their tables to feed and warm their families.

Sadly this is a racial issue as the target of those corporate views are as ex-CIA John Stockwell said, “The War on the people of the 3rd world.” Asians, Hispanics, Muslims and others who pay the ultimate price. Just as when Americans become indignant when those in Iran chant “Death to America.”

What has the USA done to Iran since 1953 as well as in the 1970’s when the US basically kicked the British off the oil fields. Its the same everywhere!

Where even today the US Military are being “farmed out” to the highest bidder. As well as the ungodly spending of the Pentagon, as this country’s infrastructure, education and moral’s collapse.

By RBN January 13, 2020 00:16

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