Rebel Mad Man Radio w/ Mike Gaddy August 10, 2024 Hour 1

By RBN August 10, 2024 16:07

With Frederick Blackburn, Cal Robbins, Sgt. Jim Ramm, and Daryl Wayne Claymore

By RBN August 10, 2024 16:07
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  1. kati August 11, 17:07

    the Rheinwiesenlager were sure the most atrocious camps in US history just because they had 30-45% yearly death rate, 793K died in the end, source are the books of James Bacque, biggest of the 19 Rheinwiesencamps was the one at Remagen with 9 kilometer fence perimeter and 145K PoW inmates even there was only room for 100K, all ourdoor, imagine the death. and to rig the numbers they very often transported PoW close to death to a hospital so they did not count for the camps…but they rigged the numbers in far greater ways so in the end there is a near one million difference where they hide the dead in so now the official dead count is 5000 in all Rheinwiesencamps, thats a big lie yes?
    Sure the 19 Rheinwiesencamps were only most famous for their open air encampment, overall there were 255 camps for all german PoW, all allied together there were close to 13 million german PoW (with russia who also had the highest death count with 1,2 million dead PoW).

    Sorry i accidently posted too much on the topic in the snackshack, the warm weather made my brain misfunction. And the topic gets me emotional because i jsut read my way through a big pile of books here all topic 1945 germany and most are out of print so i had to buy the old real books. Latest addition a book about the Rheinwiesenlager, jsut 2 days ago, how fitting.

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