Rebel Mad Man Radio w/ Mike Gaddy August 3, 2024 Hour 1

By RBN August 3, 2024 16:08
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  1. merbailey August 3, 20:49

    A Conversation Somewhere In The Bowels Of Government

    NC. Wow, can you believe we were able to pull it off?

    NF. How’s that? What do you mean?

    NC. I mean getting the majority of people in this country to go along with our plans for world domination and securing all world resources for our “organization.”

    NF. Piece of cake. There was never a cause for doubt. Our psychological programs have worked to perfection. All we have to do is play on their fears. They will give us all their money and freedoms, just like those stupid people in the large cities who promote their own disarmament, then cower, cringe and fear for their lives when confronted with a mugger.

    As long as we wave the flag, mention the word patriotism and spread a few lies about weapons of mass destruction and imminent attacks, we can do whatever we want. Of course, we had to throw in a few hymns and prayers for the right-wing bunch. Hitler proved how effective this tactic could be in bringing the religious element in to support our programs back in the 1930’s.

    The idiots are so well indoctrinated that they are saving us time and resources by attacking those who have discovered our real motives.

    NC. I see, but how were we able to bring all these folks to our way of thinking in such a short time?

    NF. This was no short time project. We started years ago by taking over the education system in this country. We used the old, “here is some money to improve your schools” ploy. Of course, as soon as they took the money we were in. They dropped all pretenses of letting the community run the schools and turned it all over to us. Whores are easily bought.

    We gradually dropped any pretense of educating the little cretins. What do we need educated masses for? We must have blind allegiance to the state. They have to work for our organizations. They must be good drones. No room for entrepreneurship with the masses. Of course, we have to allow a few such to emerge from time to time, to keep up the illusion of “freedom”.

    Then we moved into social engineering and mind control. It is most important the masses respond properly to any stimuli. Just look at what we have been able to produce with this Homeland Security ploy. All we have to do is raise some color-coded threat level and it immediately conjures up images of planes flying into buildings, large explosions and the deaths of thousands in the minds of the masses. Hell, the cowards can’t wait, begging us to take their money and “rights”.

    NC. But will this continue to work? Won’t the effect of 9/11 begin to fade in their minds?

    NF. Normally, yes, but we have developed a brilliant strategy that will provide perpetual terrorist threats. It will never end. The idiots will continue to support our wars for “democracy” and “freedom”, even though it produces the very terror the masses believe we are spending their money and taking the lives of their children to prevent. The countries that cannot compete with us militarily will be forced to resort to terror as their only means of retaliation. We all know we can’t stop that and, as was the case with 9/11, we just let it happen and use it to make billions for our cronies as we did in the stock market prior to 9/11.

    NC. What a master plan! But will the masses ever catch on to our strategy?

    NF. Not likely. The masses of this country are almost all interested only in their entertainment. They want nothing to do with any involvement in the deeper elements of their government. The only freedom they care about is the freedom to bitch and complain. Look, the majority doesn’t even vote. They are so wrapped up in their entertainment they have not even recognized it makes no difference who they vote for anyway. Our organization controls both parties. Our agenda marches on regardless of who wins the elections. The elections are merely pacifiers to create the illusion the “people” are in charge and that they are “free”. Most don’t realize they are only free to pick from candidates we have already vetted and who owe their very political existence to the “organization.”

    NC. Will we be able to maintain this control for the required number of years until we have complete control and everyone works for us?

    NF. Of course. As I mentioned before, most all of them only want to be entertained. Millions attend sporting events each week. They drive thousands of miles; consume vast amounts of alcohol and act like the idiots they are. They know all the athletes, their statistics and how many times they have been arrested and for what, yet most could not tell you the names of their local school board members or representatives.

    They spend hour upon endless hour in front of their televisions watching “reality” shows, but take every opportunity to ignore their children. Those who do care about their children and seek to educate them to the dangers of our programs are harassed and tormented by the systems we have in place. In many instances we even take those children from their parents, claiming they are being “abused.” The idiots never question our practices in this regard. They truly believe the government is better suited to know what is right for their children than they are. This ensures our control into the future.

    The other people who have educated themselves to the fact that we are supposed to act in a limited capacity and only in certain aspects of their lives as their original constitution declared, make up only a small percentage of the population. The idiots help us ridicule and demonize them, and besides, they will eventually die out.

    We have also put into place an information system that only allows the “organization’s” theories to be distributed to the masses. Members of the “organization” own the major media outlets. This includes the newspapers, television and radio stations, and our biggest ally, talk radio. We had the foresight to employ some charismatic individuals to promote our programs. Many started as dissenters but were quickly brought over to our viewpoint with money and perks. Hell, we converted one of our very best by simply allowing him to come sleep in the White House! Millions daily hang on his every word, believing he has “talent on loan from god.” We could care less the origin of his talent, as long as the god he serves is the state. Years ago, when he started, he ranted and raved about the excesses and encroachments of the state. Now he is one of our greatest supporters. They all have their price. The ones with the huge egos are easily bought with money and fame. Besides, this one calls anyone who is onto our scheme, “kooks.”

    NC. You spoke of our control of both of the political parties. But they appear to be so adversarial.

    NF. Exactly. This took us the longest amount of time and the most effort. The majority of the idiots blame the “other” party for the problems they see as tearing the country apart. What a masterstroke. As long as we can continue with this illusion we are in solid. Our organization will never come under scrutiny. The idiots will continue to blame the other “party” until we have completely installed our globalist plan. While their attention is focused on blaming the other side, each party continues with the implementation of our plan. By the time the idiots realize what has happened they will have no recourse but to go along. Besides, most of them will not give a damn anyway as long as we keep them “entertained.”

    NC. But look, I have a real concern here. It is going to be extremely hard to initiate many of our future programs with millions of the people in this country armed. How are we going to handle that issue should a sufficient number of them wake up to our domination plans?

    NF. Good question, but believe me it has been planned for. First off, we have been able to sneak laws past the idiots denying them ownership of most weapons that would make them capable of defending themselves against the arms we give our police and military. Both political parties supported this agenda and continue to do so. We have infiltrated some of the national associations that supposedly support the rights guaranteed under the dead letter called the constitution. They have used the money of those who think they are fighting for their rights to actually support every measure we initiate to disarm the public. What a feat! We have the idiots giving us money to destroy their favorite causes. We have had to do it slowly, of course. Doing it all at once might wake some of these idiots up to our master plan. Like everything else, we were able to buy off these associations by offering their leaders money, position and notoriety. Hell, the idiots even elected an actor to head one of these organizations, completely oblivious to the fact he helped us get the 1968 gun control act shoved down their throats.

    Don’t forget that a majority of those who own firearms only see them as a form of “entertainment,” as opposed to being the primary deterrent to our plans. They will gladly support the state over those firearm owners who see through our schemes and have discovered our plans for world domination.

    Emotion is the key here. Play on the emotions of the masses and you can tell lies until the cows come home and they never wake up to what is happening. Our masterstroke of total confiscation will come after we engineer another school shooting. This is one of our best tactics. Show some children, dead and dying, with blood everywhere. Show it on all our mass media outlets. Continue to show it time after time after time for day after day. Our psychologists tell us this method is foolproof. A few deaths appear to be thousands. The idiots feel helpless. Something has to be done, they cry. Our folks in elected office then go before the public and, with tear-filled eyes, claim something must be done to protect the children – and, of course, they have the answer. Guns must be eliminated from public ownership. Then the police and military will be able to control crime and this will never happen again. By the way, do you know when Patrick Purdy is to be released from prison?

    NC: Isn’t he dead.

    NF. Oh Yes, I believe you are correct. But not to worry, I am sure we can find another candidate who will meet our needs.

    NC: You mentioned the police and the military. Do you not see them as sympathetic to the causes of freedom?

    NF: Merely an illusion my dear friend. Over the past 40 years we have been able to transform both to our purposes. The military, in total disregard of that constitution they swore allegiance to, continue to be the spearhead of our quest for world domination. They have obviously placed allegiance to our cause above any old reference to that ancient piece of parchment. Amazing that we can get these folks to put their lives on the line to insure our financial success, especially considering the pittance they are paid to do so. Then, as they grow older and become infirm, we cut into the financial assistance we promised them earlier. Surprising what some people will do for some colored ribbons and parades a couple of times each year. Especially since we often give them equipment that doesn’t work properly, is not adequate for the job, or is something they just don’t need so as to line the pockets of our associates in the weapons industry.

    As for the police: finding people who are ex-military or military wannabees has been a real triumph. We have made them into soldiers for the cause. Look at how we have them all dressing and training. They pay no heed to the constitution they swore to uphold and defend either. To top it all off, we have convinced them their enemies are the citizens who pay their salary! Just look at what they were able to accomplish for us at Waco. The idiot masses didn’t even notice; too busy entertaining themselves, of course. Not much more than a murmur when we shot 14-year old Samuel Weaver in the back and then shot his unarmed mother in the head just a day or so later.

    All that is necessary to get the idiots to accept anything we do is to demonize the opposing citizens prior to, or during our attacks. The media falls right into line and the idiots are repeating our propaganda to each other within hours.

    There are few who realize we have more people in this country involved in the distribution of lies and propaganda to the idiot masses than there are terrorists employed by either Osama or Saddam. We spend more money than they do too. Sure as hell appears to be working.

    NC: Do you see anything that could upset our plans; reveal our true motive of a one-world government and lead to a revival of as quest for true freedom among the idiots?

    NF: Our plan has but one mortal enemy. We must take all measures possible to insure these idiots do not learn of the true fruits of freedom and liberty as outlined by the true Revolutionaries of their country in 1776.

    So far we have been able to either completely override the provisions of the constitution as ratified or delude the people as to what it really says. For many years now we have convinced the idiots that there is a provision in the constitution that allows for the murder of unborn children. We have also told them there is a provision for the separation of “church and state.” We have convinced them the federal government is all-powerful and determines the rights of all.

    How stupid is that? Plus, here’s the real clincher. They allow us to bring thousands of illegal aliens into their country each week. These “immigrants” could care less about any constitution or the culture of the nation they are invading. They swear eternal allegiance to the state. They have centuries of practice living under the heel of a tyrant. And look, the idiots rush to facilitate their illegal entry into the country. Have you not heard of the water, food and lights left along the illegal’s routes into the country? With such compliant idiots, how can we lose?

    NC: It would certainly appear we need some kind of safeguard in case the idiots do awaken before we have total control.

    NF: Not to worry. This new Patriot Act gives us all the leverage and protection we need. If those who understand the Constitution and call for its enforcement begin to create a stir, we will just label them terrorists, say they are planning the overthrow of the government and have them all socked away in confinement without so much as a warrant. We will not allow them access to any legal counsel and will deny them access to their families. Our tests of this theory have borne great results. The idiots have allowed the implementation of our plans. If needed, we will add enhancements to complete the domination. There are many that we have ready now. All we need is a little terrorism to frighten the cowards into turning everything over to their “protectors.”Of course we have lied to all concerned about their existence. Just think about how easy it was to slip the first one by the idiots. They did not even complain that we demanded a vote on it before anyone knew what was in it. These people are real pushovers. World domination is just right around the corner. The fools will never know what hit them.

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