Rebel Mad Man Radio w/ Mike Gaddy January 25, 2025 Hour 2

By RBN January 25, 2025 17:06
By RBN January 25, 2025 17:06
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  1. Jim January 26, 06:25

    Christianity is White genocide, like the other Abrahamic death cults.

    “Ahh that old circular logic

    1. God sent his son to the jews of the bible
    2. The jews of the bible are not the jews of today
    3. The jews of today were the canaanites of the bible
    4. The jews of the bible rejected Christ, so he gave salvation to everyone
    5. But the jews of the bible where whites, cause god sent his son to us
    6. But whites were the lost tribe
    7. But not so lost that they were not in Israel
    8. They are the true jews, but only when its good and not bad, such as the crucifixion
    9. Because that would mean whites were cursed for killing jesus
    10. But that cant be true, because God sent his son to the jews of the bible, who were white, not canaanites, but…

    Its schitzo posting, and preach elsewhere im not interested.”

    Whites were never from Israel. The time frame of us living in Europe predates the idea of Israel by about 5000 years. Jews were not even in Israel when whites developed farmland in Europe. So it’s a literal impossibility that we are even a related tribe.

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  2. Jim January 26, 06:32

    What a waste of time. All this desert BS. Western Civilization existed and thrived before this mind virus took over Europe.

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  3. Jim January 26, 06:36

    Useless. Worthless. Garbage.

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  4. kati January 26, 11:53
    Just read this book yesterday from 1921 by Lienhardt at that time alot of the bible researchers were rabbis/jews and they pushed the narratives even more. The start was sure Samuel Untermyer financing Cyrus Scofield in 1907 to comment the bible, and to this day its often used, i got a Scofield bible here too just out of curiousity.

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  5. kati January 26, 11:58

    All the new modern translations you have rabbis on the teams, you can read the impressum, it got all worse to the point they say all in the new testament were jews, maria and jesus were jews, the new translations all see that as fact, i do not. Lorraine Day wrote a book “who rewrote the bible” she recomments the concordant literal translation or the interlinear, talked with Pastor Eli James about it he has the Bloodlines podcast on eurofolkradio or now FTJmedia, he recommends the old jerusalem bible not the revised. There is too much rewritten cause the jews in the bible translation teams have a free hand todo whatever, the german translations here all got adapted to be not “anti-semitic” sure they are all to avoid, german church here mainly uses the “Einheitsübersetzung” based on Luther but its sure jewified.

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  6. kati January 26, 12:09

    Donald Trump honestly when i see what he says i dont believe he is practising christ or even christian at all, maybe Rick Wiles was right when he said Donald converted in 2017, his statements are always so awkward and seem fake just to calm his christian voter base.

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  7. kati January 26, 12:26

    It really helps if you can read german on this topic, because there are so many books, such books the US banned after ww2, like on talmud i recently tripped over a book from 1920 with talmud quotes unknown to me, by Jakob Ecker
    but again like the book i posted above there is no english version. Sure nowadays you can translate whole pdf on the fly if you really had to.
    But i dont know any decent free conversions german to english, they all want money. I dont pay to translate when i can read it already in german.

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  8. kati January 26, 12:35

    I think they scrub the web on such information like Donald being convert, would not be good for the voter base.
    I got soemthing else, i was asking chatGPT about Elons mother Maye Musk several times the last months, and it always said Maye Musk has ashkenazi heritage form father side (haldeman) and i sure used this fact in conversations… now the last 3 weeks when i asked chatGPT again it only says there is no ashkenazi heritage to see on Maye Musk… again i think they scrubbed this info, even from the AI. chatGPT run by Sam Altman, they keep the AI clean and following the jewish history versions and narratives but denying such facts as heritage.

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  9. kati January 26, 12:37

    Devon Stack “Blackpilled” made a very good piece called “Trump and the jews” he lists alot background, its on odysee and rumble, Devon made alot masterpieces Mr Gaddy would sure like too, the last about Olive Oatman impressed me, never knew the story.

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