Rebel Mad Man Radio w/ Mike Gaddy March 1, 2025 Hour 1

By RBN March 1, 2025 17:13
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  1. Edward March 2, 05:04

    RBN is in trouble and all you think of are your bellies and your guns. You would risk losing Mike Gaddy, and the other volunteers and staff who work so hard to try and elevate your ignorant pathetic status. Sell all but a few of your guns. Sell them. You will not need them. They will use a drone parked on your bay window and let you have it as you’re diddling the old lady. You don’t need them but the cash you would generate is now needed by RBN.Do it. Charge double for Liberty Man and that turd who squeals his pig at us. DO SOMETHING FUCKING REDNECKS. Hillary was right, you are mostly all deplorables.

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