Rebel Mad Man Radio w/ Mike Gaddy November 11, 2023 Hour 1

By RBN November 11, 2023 16:06
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  1. Edward November 12, 05:03

    Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam, two volume book, “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jew” – how the jews ran, managed and proffited from the Trans Atlantic slave trade. It’s a good book quoting mostly all jewish sourches.

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  2. Edward November 12, 05:04

    Frederic C. Blackburn teamed up with Michael Gaddy is a winning combination.

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  3. Edward November 12, 05:08

    After treating thrice-married Benjamin ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu for ten years, prominent Israeli psychiatrist Moshe Yatom committed suicide in 2010. In his suicide note, the psychiatrist blamed Netanyahu for his terminal act and said the far-right politician had sucked life out of him. Yatom went on to describe the severely disturbed and violent character.

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    • bob88 November 12, 14:01

      Have you ever noticed that the “Psychiatrist” is usually the nuttiest dude in the room. Thats because its a jewish “science”. The jewish scientist is actually a plague rat, he’s actually spreading the insanity ON to you. That’s why they always tell you, “It’s a journey, and you’ll always be healing”. You’ll never get better, like you’re still sipping on bad water. For 80 dollars an hour. That was nothing but masterbatory, TWO jews in a room. Billed to American taxes to be sure.

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  4. Jack Brody November 13, 08:46

    It seems to me that the “chicken swingers” (Jews) of today are the same as the Jews of two thousand years ago.

    “The famous geographer, Strabo, writing c. 35 B.C., … stated that the oecumene, i.e., the world inhabited by civilized or semi-civilized peoples, was ‘full of Jews,’ who had ‘penetrated every city’ and become so ubiquitous that, he said, ‘it is not easy to find any place in the oecumene into which their race has not made its way or in which it has not gained mastery [over the natives].'” — Revilo P. Oliver; “A Persistent Hoax”

    “By 179 B.C. the Jews had become so numerous in Rome and so active in spreading corruption and crime that P. Cornelius Scipio Hispalus, when he was Urban Praetor, tried to expel all of the Jews who had neglected to acquire Roman citizenship…. In Cicero’s time, the Jews in Rome were able to produce economic crises and profit from them, and to instigate, under various pretexts, political prosecution of provincial governors who impeded their spoliations.” — Revilo P. Oliver; “By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them”

    The Jews are a parasitic race.

    “The European race evolved into a mode of life that involved living off the land, as did many other races and peoples. The Jews, on the other hand, evolved into a mode of life that involved living off those who lived off the land.” — K. A. Strom

    Another topic. A civil war is one in which two factions are vying for control of a country. The South wasn’t trying to take over the whole country or to rule over the North; the South was fighting for its independence. However, the South shouldn’t have needed to fight.

    “[T]he States of New York, Rhode Island, and Virginia, in their ratifications of the Constitution of the United States, expressly reserved the right ‘to reassume the powers delegated whenever they should be perverted to the injury of the people.’ This is simply and clearly the right of secession, and as these States were admitted into the Union, partnership, or alliance, with this condition precedent annexed, such condition became, of course, a part of the contract, or Constitution itself. But, even without this condition, is it not obvious to common sense that sovereign States have the same right to withdraw from an alliance or partnership as they had to enter it, and by the same process, viz.: through their organic, government-making, Constitution-making Conventions, in which alone their sovereignty is embodied? How absurd it seems to admit, in the case of individuals, the right of withdrawing from a partnership, and yet to deny the same right to sovereign States….” — The Old Guard, September 1867, p. 710

    “The first act of secession dates as far back as 1789, when eleven of the States, becoming dissatisfied with the old articles of confederation made in 1778, seceded and formed a second union. When in 1861 eleven of the States again seceded and united themselves under the style of the Confederate States of North America, they exercised a right which required no justification….” — Edward A. Pollard; The Second Year of the War (New York; 1864)

    “To help the fainthearted a little, let us ask, which State would have joined the Union had it supposed that, under no circumstances, of whatever oppression and wrong, could it ever resume its sovereign powers? Does any man believe that a single State would have agreed to the compact with such an understanding of its nature?” — The Old Guard, Feb. 1865, p. 51

    “When the Constitution was adopted by the votes of States at Philadelphia, and accepted by the votes of States in popular conventions, it is safe to say that there was not a man in the country from Washington and Hamilton on the one side, to George Clinton and George Mason on the other, who regarded the new system as anything but an experiment entered upon by the States and from which each and every State had the right peaceably to withdraw, a right which was very likely to be exercised.” — Henry Cabot Lodge; Daniel Webster (1888); chap. VI

    The Jews controlled the slave trade from Africa, but they did not bring slavery to Africa.

    “The only articles of export at present are slaves and ivory…. Slavery exists on an immense scale in this country [Adamawa]; and there are many private individuals who have more than a thousand slaves.” — Henry Barth; Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa (1857); Vol. II; p. 502

    “Not even the appearance of affection exists between husband and wife, or between parents and children. So little do they care for their offspring, that many offered to sell me any of their sons or daughters as slaves. They are, to speak the truth, in point of parental affection inferior to brutes.” — John Duncan; Travels in Western Africa, in 1845 & 1846; Vol. I; p. 79

    “Liberia was established in 1821 … to provide a home for emancipated slaves from the United States…. Some idealists were surprised when the [Negroes], freed from slavery in the United States, promptly enslaved native [Negroes] after the Americans declared the country independent in 1847 and they were freed from White supervision.” — Revilo P. Oliver; “Sporting Event”

    On another topic, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin were not Christians. They were Deists.

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