Rebel Mad Man Radio w/ Mike Gaddy November 11, 2023 Hour 2

By RBN November 11, 2023 17:13
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  1. Jack Brody November 13, 11:12

    The “Civil War” as a Bolshevik revolution:

    “Most Americans have no idea that Lincoln and [Karl] Marx corresponded…. When Lincoln was re-elected in 1864, Marx sent a congratulatory letter to Lincoln … and it basically says ‘We are fighting on the same side for the same thing.'” — Dr. Michael Hill

    “This party … elected Mr. Lincoln in 1860, according to the legal and outward form of the Constitution, though against the will and wishes of two-thirds of the American people. This combination of certain States against certain other States of the American Union … is the most astounding anomaly in the history of mankind, for, while preserving the forms of Union, it was in substance the most absolute disunion possible, and while acting within legal formulas, it aimed at a revolution, wider, deeper, and deadlier than any the world has ever yet witnessed.” — The Old Guard, February 1864, pp. 32–33

    “Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus throughout the nation. He assumed the power to close newspapers and in fact closed hundreds of them in the North which dared criticize his policies. He arrested elected officials, including former members of Congress, who opposed him.” — Sam Dickson, “Shattering the Icon of Abraham Lincoln”

    “In Mr. Lincoln’s letter, attempting to vindicate his arrest of Mr. Vallandigham, he says:— ‘Arrests are made not so much for what has been done, as for what probably would be done.'” — The Old Guard, June 1863, p. 142

    “Mr. Lincoln may call upon the mountains to fall upon him, but he must not rely upon ex post facto laws, or any other laws, passed in violation of the statute and common law of the land, to shield him from deserved punishment. There is not a county, from Washington to Sangammon county, in Illinois, in which he is not liable to arrest, both in a civil and criminal suit. It is not in the power of Congress to save him. Nothing but death can save him—and that will, we fear, send him to a more inexorable bar than that of the offended justice of his country.” — The Old Guard, October 1863, p. 271

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  2. Jack Brody November 13, 12:49

    The NSA listening station in Turkey may have been eliminated, but other Americans in the Middle East in 1967 heard the dialog between the Israeli jets and headquarters.

    “After twenty-four years, Mr. Porter disclosed the fact that his cryptographic staff in the [American] Embassy at Beirut [in 1967] had intercepted … communications between the commander of the Israeli air squadron and the Israeli High Command, which proved that the latter knew that the Liberty was an unarmed American naval vessel….

    “When the Israeli … planes were sent to attack and destroy the ship, the Jewish commander, seeing that it was an American vessel, had misgivings and reported to the High Command, which simply repeated the orders to attack and sink the Liberty.” — Revilo P. Oliver (“A Bit of Good News”; Liberty Bell, Jan. 1992)

    Of course, Jews aren’t Aryans (Whites). They freely admit that they, like Arabs, are Semites.

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  3. Jack Brody November 16, 08:37

    The New York magazine The Old Guard, August 1864, pp. 172–173: “Butler’s Chief of Staff and the New York Tribune chuckle over the account the ebony devil gives of murdering wounded soldiers. It is a source of delight to them that these negroes take no prisoners, but assassinate their victims in cold blood. In any other country such acts would be punished with death; here, in this land demonized with the implacable, the hellish spirit of Abolitionism, they are sources of delight to all who keep company with the Republican party.”

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  4. Jack Brody December 4, 13:00

    Mike Gaddy (at 26:17):
    “I was at a restaurant waiting in line and there [were] … three or four young black men behind me…. I gave [one of them] a fist bump….”

    “[W]e had enough employees who made more than 85 to fill all the openings. The highest score that any of the blacks scored on the test was 11. The lowest score that any black made on the test was 4. All four of those blacks went into skilled-trades training.” (

    “I gave [one of them] a fist bump….”

    “In the United States in 2005, 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black man, while between zero and ten black females were sexually assaulted or raped by a white man. What this means is that every day in the United States, over one hundred white women are raped or sexually assaulted by a black man.” (

    “I gave [one of them] a fist bump….”

    “[T]he [Negro] attackers tore off the woman’s clothes and raped her until five others arrived…. The new arrivals took turns having sex with her and then sodomized her…. At gunpoint, the assailants forced the mother and son to have sex.” (

    “I gave [one of them] a fist bump….”

    “Black Panther Quanell X … blamed the 11-year-old girl for her own rape [by 28 black males].” (

    “I gave [one of them] a fist bump….”

    “[A] 30-year-old White man … died in Tacoma … after being savagely beaten … by a gang of between 15 and 20 Blacks in what even the local newspapers described as a ‘thrill killing.’ … [T]he local news media had carefully avoided reporting a dozen other … beatings of White men … during the previous month.” (W. L. Pierce; “The Case of Hendrik Moebus”; 2000-09-09)

    “I gave [one of them] a fist bump….”

    White Boy beaten to death by 15 Black Boys in Las Vegas Public School (

    “I gave [one of them] a fist bump….”

    Thomas Jefferson: “[T]he two races, equally free, cannot live under the same government.”

    “I gave [one of them] a fist bump….”

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