If you choose to dismiss this, you are a fool. If it is too long for you, you are but an idiot. Wake up and learn the truth of what is going on around you.
British Intelligence through Albert Pike whose headquarters were in Charleston were progenitors of the Society of B’nai B’rith (what is now the Anti-Defamation League or ADL) and further historical accounts that most Americans are oblivious to the true cause of the War between the States. This is an historical account based upon the archives of that organization and more. Those who call themselves Federal, State and local law enforcers have been seduced by criminal conspirators in the cloak of good deed. Wake up America.
My life as was William Copper’s life; who was gunned down in his own yard, is at stake bringing you this information on a platform that will expose their crimes and shatter the illusions they have built by Useful Idiots, and risk our safety in doing so. This is no laughing or joking matter. These are gangsters we are opposing.
#TheOfficialSoriesAreFullOfLies, when you find the truth, you will also find a lot of lies. I am going to do this until you either wake up or I die a martyr. If you don’t wake up then I would rather be killed as this world will not be worth living in…