Road Warrior Radio with Chris Hinkley 7.23.18 Hour 1

By RBN July 23, 2018 13:36

When we talk about what it is to be uniquely American, what do we mean? How often do we sit quietly, and simply reflect on this notion – or are we ‘encouraged’ to move on to other things, ostensibly of more importance? How well have we imparted the lessons of Americana to posterity, and ensured they be preserved? John Adams, first Vice President and second President under the Constitution issued just such a clarion call. Have we heeded his exhortation?

“The form of government is by nature and by right so far left to the individuals of each society, that they may alter it from a simple democracy or government of all over all, to any other form they please. Such alteration may and ought to be made by express compact: But how seldom this right has been asserted, history will abundantly show. For once that it has been fairly settled by compact; fraud force or accident have determined it an hundred times. As the people have gained upon tyrants, these have been obliged to relax, only till a fairer opportunity has put it in their power to encroach again.”
—James Otis, The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved (1764)

Last Friday, July 20, 2018, I guest-hosted the National Intel Report. After years of broadcasting, I would hang my hat on those two hours. In my humble estimation, despite all the distractions and rumblings, in America today – and throughout our history – it all comes down to the subject matter contained in those two hours. As such, I would encourage anyone to listen to that broadcast, and more importantly, seek and search out for oneself the source materials discussed.

By RBN July 23, 2018 13:36

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