Saturday Snack Shack w/ Blackbird9, August 10, 2024

By RBN August 10, 2024 19:04
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  1. Edward August 11, 06:39

    I don’t have all the details but Putin has fucked Iran and he has fucked us. This is Putin.

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  2. Edward August 11, 07:36

    This explosion which is from a week or two ago during an attack on an airfield in Russia by NATO.

    The mushroom is a clear indication that it is a tactical nuke, most likely fired by the new F-16 fighter jets that have arrived in Ukraine, which are capable of carrying such nukes and are operated by NATO personnel.

    I’ll say it again, the mushroom is a clear indicator that it’s a nuclear explosion.

    Why Putin is silent, I don’t know. But the world is not aware of the situation it is currently in.

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  3. kati August 11, 13:59

    To understand the US what giant injustice they have done you have to look what the german camps were used after ww2 and look at the Rheinwiesenlager, most of the german camps were used after ww2 to jail torture and mruder germans, and the Rheinwiesenlager sure topped it, even though they said they did not continue with Morgenthau plan, the Lager were already part of it, Mrgenthau wrote himself in 1948 in the NYT they did the plan, part of it was the starvation of the PoW in the RHeinwiesen but also the whole german population, so 5 million germans died while there was no global food shortage, they piled the food rations outside of the Rheinwiesenlager whiel inside died 793K PoW the camps had a yearly death rate of 30-45%, the official 5000 dead are a hilarious lie.
    FOr good details read James Bacque “Other losses” or the book after “Crimes and mercies” the second book is even better and its all fact based, can only recommend, but its hard to digest what evil the US has done, they shot german women at the Rheinwiesenlager-fence trying to give food to prisoner, it was order to shoot anyone trying to give food, it was a planned starvation, Morgenthau plan, read the book.

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  4. Halfjew August 11, 14:16

    You dumb cracker faggots. That includes the Japs. You are worse than bleeding hearts. You are bleeding rectums. You care more about the Jews genociding your worthless enemies the Muslims than them genociding whites and Japs. Don’t worry about the muzzies, you are much easier to cull. You cull yourselves for the Jews, retarded punks. Just get it over with and die. You still have hell to pay for what you did to Germany and Japan.

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  5. kati August 11, 14:29

    soviet/red army and all allies added together killed 2,2 million german PoW, the most sure russia with 1,2 million in gulags
    the US 793K
    here are the numbers from my german Rheinwiesenlager book i just got last days, i fully trust the numbers as he refers to James Bacque, which is THE expert on Rheinwiesenlager. photos from the book, first image are all the numbers from russia and the allies plus a photo from the only Rheinwiesenlager for women, second image says the number of deaths in US Rheinwiesenlager, the 793K

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  6. kati August 11, 14:31

    BB9 mentions the 19 Rheinwiesenlager, but the 793K dead there was not the worst done to germany, the planned starvation of the whole country in the “hunger winter of 1945/46” was, the secret Morgenthau plan(in public it was told they never did it) which cause 5 million dead civilians in the famine, my grandma was alone with my 2 year old dad in germany, i never had more respect.

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  7. kati August 11, 14:34

    Read James Bacque, at some Rheinwiesenlager they piled the food rations around the camp but let the inmates starve to death, the red cross, the quaker and a few more all had organized food donations, there was more than enough, but food was not planned.
    Like i wrote earlier, they shot anyone trying to give food through the fence, wife got killed by US soldiers, there are 2 memorials the book mentions.
    (book= James Bacque “Crimes and Mercies” you find the pdf on archive org)

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  8. kati August 11, 15:03

    Good god im sorry my comments should be on Gaddys show with bb9 as guest, my brain tricked me

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  9. kati August 11, 17:41

    On Dresden i got an eye witness report days before the bombing they had half a million refugee from eastern reagions and Dresden itself had 630K in 1939, so 1,1 million civilians, and the wiki tells us there were 25k deaths in 4 nights of bombing…oldest trustworthy numbers were 450k but you will never know a definitiv number because of the high number of refugees, it could also be up to 600k deaths, but we will never know, so we can work with the old conservative assumption of 450K.

    This is downplaying only jews are allowed to have high casualty numbers, look at the Rheinwiesen wiki it says 5000 deaths which is a very bad joke when the yearly death rate was 30-45% per camp, a pre school has enough math skill to see, the US always rigged the numbers, James Bacque wrote about that, they changed alot of the total PoW numbers aswell the death numbers in camps by transporting near death PoW into hospitals were they died but did not count.

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