Saturday Snack Shack w/ Blackbird9, August 24, 2024

By RBN August 24, 2024 19:05
By RBN August 24, 2024 19:05
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  1. Janet August 27, 09:15

    I love how all the sides are outing themselves. Sure somehow the Saudi upper crust isn’t Jewish and the Jews allow them to run the oil psyop instead of the usual use America to crush them with sanctions and war. Saudis are like the jews retarded cousins. Saudis have no military and most of the population is lazy and dumb this is why they need to import their workforce. Sure (((BRICS))) isn’t just the Rothschilds Eurasian shift aka moving power to the East while destroying the West and all White European countries….its “organic” and (((Putin))) is fighting the JWO even though he and his Soviet Russia is controlled by Chabad demons and filthy rich jew oligarchs.

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