Saturday Snack Shack w/ Blackbird9, May 4, 2024

By RBN May 4, 2024 19:04

SSS Episode 073 – Noticing Patterns With Mrs. Q Karen Quinones

By RBN May 4, 2024 19:04
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  1. Misty May 5, 20:28

    Once again long winded and trying to dominate the conversation. Typical

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    • Misty May 5, 20:37

      Wanted to also say that this was a great broadcast. The comparison to what happened then and now is exactly the same.

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  2. bob88 May 6, 07:56

    You MUST know perfectly well, that the Dutch are the insane creeps who blamed their jew slave boats on the rest of us.

    And you want to hang out with them?
    And listen to his version of racial history?

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    • bob88 May 6, 07:58

      At the very least,
      if this guy shows up at your house in America,
      ask him to explain what a jew is to you.

      To all of us, on the air in front of everybody.

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