Saturday Snack Shack with Blackbird9, September 9, 2023

By RBN September 9, 2023 19:10
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  1. Blewitt September 10, 00:21

    I wanted to listen to the show. Is it being censored?

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  2. Blewitt September 10, 00:29

    I wanted to listen to the show. Is it being censored?

    I have listened to Frederick C. Blackburn for years. When the old Wacky Wednesday shows were ongoing I never missed one.

    If Blackburn is cancelled I shall not ever return to Republican Broadcasting.

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  3. Edward September 10, 01:40

    Is anyone else having trouble accessing RepublicBroadcasting. Org? I cannot connect. Message from Europe.

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    • blackbird9 September 10, 09:37

      Greetings from across the pond!

      Yes, I have problems getting the site to load and several folks have reported having difficulties over in the NC Trading Posts chatroom.

      Is RBN under a DOS (Denial Of Service) attack?

      Something we said??? loll


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  4. Janet September 10, 11:26

    Muskrat is one of ((them)) he is a created kosher character to do the bidding of his ((masters)) while shielding (them)). Anyone stupid enough to buy into what is probably a fake fight between ((Musk)) and the ADL to keep the fighting ((in house)) should probably stop following the alt-kike pied piper.s. AGAIN do you really think Musk rat controls starlink satellites and not our kosher controlled government HILARIOUS. So much wasted energy on another cabal created turd total distraction and theater

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