Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 01.04.22

By RBN January 4, 2022 14:59

Ron talked about the importance, or not, of calling out the names of people involved in creating and benefiting from Covid-19. He mentions those that revealed names of those involved in various facets of 9/11 and Covid-19 and showed how it can have bad repercussions such as in Sandy Hook. The Mass Media Cartel narrative will be protected by the courts to the harm of those who challenge it. Then Ron talked about COPS26 and the fear used to drive tyrannous planetary survival at the expense of the protection of life, liberty and possessions of each individual by lawful government. He pointed to the absurdity of “change to stop climate change.” Ron had three callers, one on the slowing momentum of Covid-19 mandates, and the two on “Weaponizing Weather.” Mark Anderson joined in and promoted his show tomorrow on “Stop The Presses” after interviewing a think tank participant concerning their publication entitled “A Transformed World by 2025.”

By RBN January 4, 2022 14:59

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