Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 01.12.23

By RBN January 12, 2023 14:59

Ron considered what was meant by the phrase and image of the two starving kids “Beware of ignorance and want” in The Christmas Story. His final analysis is that ultimately we cannot be free ourselves while there is ignorance and want around us as they can be used against us by the wealthy tyrants who use them to dilute consensus and destroy lawful nations as we see on our southern border. Further it suggests that even our own citizens when left in ignorance by those who claim that freedom and liberty are a private personal matter will be used against those with means and knowledge.
Ron took seven calls, three of which promoted the idea that altering citizenship produces freedom and requested that Roger Sayles be on Ron’s show to make the argument. Ron agreed that this would be fine with him. Mitchell also agreed that Ron should have Roger on his show and also asked the question of what such an alteration to citizenship would do for you in regards to the border crisis, shedding from the vaccinated, rampant crime, lockdowns etc., etc… Terry called and said those interested in the citizenship alteration should look at this short video and see “Fruit from a poisonous tree” pages 45-52 at the link below:

The presenter in the video is Michael Badnarik when he was really young he just passed away on Aug 11, last year.

By RBN January 12, 2023 14:59
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