Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 02.01.22

By RBN February 1, 2022 15:01

Ron contrasted the world view of the global bankarchy and the New Testament showing that the end of things as we know it is not threatened by what each individual does related to the environment or disease. Man is not an “environmental stressor” or a mere “contagion” as the world was made precisely for him, and him for it, in the image of God or Christ Jesus. The threat to man is from antichrist tyranny or the exercise of power without authority. Ron commended the Canadian trucker convoy and their goals and asked that all support them. He was joined by James from Vancouver and Mark Anderson in that request. He also condemned the modern church for failure to preach the existence of the Kingdom of God or Heaven and the open door to it for all to go in. Government tyranny is the threat to mankind not single individuals as so declared by globalists. Covid-19 is the present tyrannical global operation that must be resisted.

By RBN February 1, 2022 15:01

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