Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 02.10.22

By RBN February 10, 2022 14:59

Ron opened by making a correction to his previous show. He read a quote from Henry Kissinger to the WHO Council on Eugenics in 2009 which turned out to be untrue or he could not find it online and found two other sources that said the quote was fake. Then he mentioned that talk of “Civil War” is not smart or perceptive as our problem is not between peoples but between people and dissolved tyrannical government. Then he defended the work of RBN show hosts and himself regarding the complaint of doing a sloppy inadequate job of being a clearing house of all Corona Virus knowledge as it would not matter anyway if we were to do that as the people will only hear the mass media cartel. That led into Ron’s declaration that all the problems we think we have would be solved if we had lawful government instead of tyranny which is kept in power and place by the mass media cartel. Ron announced that he had an upcoming treat for the jural assembly movement and citizenship movers. Mark Anderson joined Ron midway through the first segment and announced that he will have two guests on his show “Stop the Presses” tomorrow. Both Ron and Mark talked about the importance of taking all protests in the future to the front door of the Mass Media Cartel outlets as the dissolved tyrannical government will not listen to the people. Melissa and Patrick called in as well.

By RBN February 10, 2022 14:59

Show Hosts