Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 02.21.23

By RBN February 21, 2023 14:59

Ron apologized for delaying his promise to discuss and take calls on the issue of the affidavit of Roger Sayles. Ron gave his “take on crop circles” and the broader presumption of those who believe the pyramids, crop circles and other things are the work of ancient aliens and their desire to communicate with us via high tech mathematical language, or graphic designs. Ron compared the rejection of the Son of God by those who call themselves Jews based upon their bloodline only and those who believe in aliens but reject the one and only Hyperspace Extraterrestrial Alienor for the same reason, namely, an ignorant view of what the Messiah was going to do and what an Alien of any use to mankind really is. Ron makes the point that Christ Jesus is the fulfillment of both the Jewish hope and the hope of alien redemption of mankind. Upon the return of Christ this will be clear to both the Jews and the believers in aliens with high technology. Both groups will be lost forever unless they get into the Kingdom of Heaven or God on earth while they still walk the earth and before the return of Christ to close the door that nothing can open, which is currently open and nothing can close. Pat and Tom called in at the bottom of the hour.

By RBN February 21, 2023 14:59
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