Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 03.07.23

By RBN March 7, 2023 15:00

Ron announced that he would be livestreaming full coverage of the RichardGage911 Austin Speaking Tour including the three full days at the Independent National Convention 2023 at the Palmer Event Center on Monday through Wednesday April 3-5, 2023. The livestream and archive will also include Richard’s multimedia presentation of the evidence to be included in his joint venture movie with Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry entitled “9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom.” That presentation will be at the Bamboo Garden Chinese Restaurant April 6, 2023. You may buy livestream tickets at right now. You can also buy seat tickets and get more information soon at
Ron talked about Donald Trump’s visionary plan for 10 new emerald cities with personal hover craft for working families in his “quantum leap for a new higher standard of living” for the American people. Ron pointed out that his vision was not supported by anything that would achieve it. Trump relies on funneling public debt into architectural competitions to design 10 new cities to be plopped down in the wilderness of the US. The QL also relied upon major transportation companies wanting to build cheap houses, and vertical capable mobiles.
Ron pointed out that a new higher standard of living is not dependent upon technology and design but upon the return of lawful government and the ending of tyranny. Ron suggested the eradication of “property tax,” bust-up of the Mass Media Cartel, enforcement of the law, investigation and prosecution of state crimes, stop the exercise of power without authority to make people stay home, wear masks, close their businesses, take injections and implants etc., etc. All harm that the people of America suffer today is the result of tyranny not any other natural or manmade thing. But those running for office will not touch this truth. Dan and Scott called in agreement.

By RBN March 7, 2023 15:00
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