Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 03.17.22

By RBN March 17, 2022 15:00

Ron did a search of the term “kingdom of heaven” in the Bible and found that the 19 occurrences were all found in the book of Matthew in the New Testament. He reviewed 14 of those 19 occurrences. His object was to show that we enter the kingdom of heaven while we yet walk the earth, not only upon the death of our bodies. And Christ is that kingdom and that he contains all things and he is the King of it. And since we have what he has then we should be taking care of the earth and protecting it from tyrants not hiding in wait for Jesus to return to fix it. Christians are the body of Christ on earth and we have authority to protect it from tyrants and protect the property of all people. John from Colorado called in and we discussed public versus secret prayer and other things. David of Massachusetts called in insisting that we do not live in the kingdom of heaven under the authority of Christ the King but rather somewhere else under the authority of the Great Super Satan.

By RBN March 17, 2022 15:00

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