Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 03.21.23

By RBN March 21, 2023 15:01

Ron read an article posted at RBN from on the air written by Gary D. Barnett entitled “A Dose of Reality: Can You Handle It?” The article describes dissolved tyrannical government perfectly but then in the end calls all government evil, identifying himself as an anarchist. Then Avery showed how Barnett contradicts his ideology by saying: “It is a matter of sovereign individuals banding together against the State en masse,…” When two or more band together you have contract and when the purposes are to secure their properties against those who would harm it, you have a social contract or constitution and hence a government or a state. So how can Barnett say the following without condemning himself: “Evil is evil, evil begets evil, and all politics, government, and most all of those who choose to rule, are evil”? If we must band ourselves together to remove the State, we have created a government which he claims to be evil and to seek it is also evil. This is the main contradiction of all anarchists which they cannot overcome. Anarchy is not a reality which remains when no longer believed. Pat, David, Lark and Mitchell called in with good and humorous comments. Ron also reminded listeners to attend and watch the RichardGage911 Austin Speaking Tour at:

By RBN March 21, 2023 15:01
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