Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 03.23.23

By RBN March 23, 2023 14:59

Ron continued his train of thought concerning dissolved government being mistaken for government in general by anarchists such as Gary D. Barnett and the contradictions Barnett got into to maintain his mistake. Ron read his 9 points of thought on “The Necessity of Consent For Lawful Government.” Ron made the assertion that if all that was necessary for lawful government were consent, tyranny could be authorized. It follows that the stated purpose of government being the protection of each individual’s property consisting of life, liberty and possessions, is more important than consent to authorize government and can be so authorized without consent of any. Nancy, Pat, Bruce and Mitchell called in with good comments and argument. We shall continue this pursuit of how to establish lawful government for the protection of our property.
Ron also reminded listeners to attend and watch the RichardGage911 Austin Speaking Tour at: Nancy brought up the issue of the mass media harming everything and Ron told her that he and Mark Anderson are creating a power point to show the unlawfulness of the mass media cartel on April 6th at the RichardGage911 Austin Speaking Tour.

By RBN March 23, 2023 14:59
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