Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 04.12.22

By RBN April 12, 2022 14:59

Ron talked about the importance of the ascension in human understanding of what constitutes lawful government over mankind. He answers the question of why it was necessary that Christ ascend back into the heavens above. It was for our benefit not Christ’s. Mark Anderson joined the show and reported on the woman who self aborted her baby and was arrested and charged with murder but later the charge was dismissed and no information is available. Ron then played the sound track of a video entitled “Watch the Water” about Covid-19 being derived from snake venom and can be spread by introduction into the municipal water supply. This is unprecedented evil in high places and Ron suggested that we, being helpless against this evil in high places, appeal to Christ Jesus, the boss and King of Kings and Lord of lords over the cosmos, to help us. Ron played about six minutes of the Stew Peters interview of Dr. Ardis mentioned above. He also mentioned the account of St Paul being bit by a viper without a reaction at Acts 28:1-6.

By RBN April 12, 2022 14:59

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