Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 04.20.23

By RBN April 20, 2023 15:12

Ron talked about the pending gun legislation being heard in committees at the Texas Capitol. He read from an article in the Texas Tribune by Alejandro Serrano posted last Tuesday 4/18/23. Ron argued that the modern problem of young people shooting other young people is related to false doctrines taught in public school and encouraged on Television and in government tyrannical edicts and social platforms. The article revealed how a particular disarmament terrorist thought it was hypocritical for a legislator to make laws against children attending drag shows but not passing laws disarming the American people. How insane is that assertion? Ron said it’s not guns or their availability but the false doctrines being forced upon children in public schools that is causing this rash of multiple shootings at public schools and other places by young people. Ron said he wanted listeners to send the link to this show to all their representatives and public school administrators etc.
This is the link:
And also to send them this link to a Bill To Stop Disarmament Terrorism:

By RBN April 20, 2023 15:12
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