Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 04.21.22

By RBN April 21, 2022 14:59

Ron recommended that people sign up and take a 15 week course on Critical Thinking at presented by Dr. James Fetzer. The course is taught with about 25 people in the class asking questions every Wednesday night starting at 8:00 PM Central and lasting to a little after 9:00. We hear about our schools failure to teach students critical thinking, well here is our chance to learn it and teach it! Ron also announced that he would be uploading his Presentation on Unlawful Property Taxation or Feudalism to and next week. You will really like this one. Ron and Dr. Fetzer had the idea of creating a website that would aid schools in teaching the Heart of Public Education which is teaching students how to defend their property. Ron then talked about creating new lawful government rather than waiting around like tree stumps for the global bankarchy to impose their new reset or higher level of tyranny. James from Vancouver called in and asked how the southern border was doing. Ron reported it was wide open and no one is exercising their authority but rather playing games and pretending they are going to do something. Then Charley from Florida called in and talked about Alex Jones and his Sandy Hook suit and the the bankrupt Bushmaster settlement of $73 million and Dr. Fetzer and the libel suit against him in Wisconsin. Ron explained the erroneous summary judgment finding Fetzer guilty of libel and just a little of why that is. Ron also said that there is as much compelling evidence that Sandy Hook did not happen as there is supporting evidence, in Ron’s opinion. Charlie asked if there is a way to donate to Dr. Fetzer’s Writ of Certiorari to the Supreme Court of the United States. Ron said yes at

By RBN April 21, 2022 14:59

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