Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 05.16.23

By RBN May 16, 2023 15:00

Ron talked about the unrelenting drive of disarmament terrorists who are working to abolish the 2nd Amendment making the America people defenseless to tyranny. He talked about Spectrum News showing young people carrying signs that said: “Are Guns Prolife?” They get it! Those who understand the meaning of the 2nd Amendment also generally understand that most abortion cases are sought as the result of sin and sexual irresponsibility. Ron also said that Guns are Anti-Tyranny! Therefore Gun Control is Pro-Tyranny! Other kids were carrying signs that said “No More Guns!” Ron said at least they had guts enough unlike most others to actually verbalize what they really want, namely, complete disarmament of the American people including small arms. The reluctance of these cowards to verbalize what they really want shows their own conscience condemns them. Ron said the true reason for multiple shootings is the result of false doctrines being taught in public school. Everyone should be demanding lawful public education curriculum. Roger from Ohio called and agreed with Ron about the money and mentioned Mike Maloney as a source for people to learn about the unlawful monetary system. Roger said he played in the drum and bugle corp in San Antonio near Ron. Roger said he saw Buddy Rich play Nutville on the drums in a joint in Texas while stationed in San Antonio. Ron said he saw Buddy do that piece on Youtube last night! Fun! Ron closed with how states can determine the number of immigrants admitted. The feds cannot allow more than the state can assimilate under Art 1 Sec 9 U.S. Constitution. The feds can limit but they cannot swamp!

By RBN May 16, 2023 15:00
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