Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 05.20.21

By RBN May 20, 2021 14:59

With the recent attack on Gaza by the Israeli military, toppling midrise buildings and killing hundreds, Ron thought it reasonable to talk about the modern “state of Israel” and how it does not have lawful authority to exist much less defend itself. He said it was unlawful both politically and theologically. He gave 3 main reasons it is not lawful politically and did not get to the theological reasons it was unlawful but did touch on the promises to Israel and what they really are as opposed to what “Jews” and “Christian Zionists” mistakenly say they are.
Ron had great callers today starting with Lauren of Ohio who was supportive of Ron’s analysis of scripture and adjured listeners to resist evil and stand for righteousness no matter what it is from theft of wealth and land to forced concoction injections – she said “don’t destroy yourself” by going along with tyranny.
Michael from Tennessee called and talked about the imposter Jews that inhabit “Israel” today. Ron tried to illustrate why all those that call themselves “Jews,” except the redeemed in Christ Jesus, are liars.
Kathleen from Texas called and gave the definition of “Israel” showing why that is not a place but a people who believe in God and obey him. She also complimented Julie and her music selections and me on my selection of the opening jazz tune. She also complimented Julie and I on the way we run our show. Many thanks Kathleen!
James from Vancouver called and said he thought some very powerful people were running out of patience with Israel and it’s treatment of those in Gaza. Ron agreed and they both talked about Russia and their missiles and threat to “knock out teeth.” And at that moment Julie gave us word that “Israel and Hamas agreed to a cease-fire over Gaza.” That was good news! Thank God!

By RBN May 20, 2021 14:59

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