Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 05.25.23

By RBN May 25, 2023 14:59

Ron presented the law on terrorism and conspiracy and considered the potential of those advocating the infringement and abolition of the 2nd Amendment using the violence done by another to their own families as terrorist conspiring together to disarm the American people. He also livestreamed an audio/video simulcast to:
Ron reviewed some segments of the hour long KSAT special presentation entitled “A Year in Uvalde.” He showed how the purpose of the special was to justify the survivors of the victims of the Robb Elementary shooting to disarm the American public against the law of the land in the 2nd Amendment. He pointed out that there will never be justification to commit the greatest crime in the world. Ron also showed how KSAT and everyone there is in favor of infringement and abolition of the 2nd Amendment.
Ron made the observation that all these people are using the harm done by the shooters to alter the law of the land which could constitute conspiracy to commit terrorism. He read from Black’s Law dictionary and this link:
Ron also plugged the Bill he authored and sent out to representatives which outlined a method to stop mass shootings from achieving their goal thus making them cease as they would no longer be useful:
Ron had a couple of great callers. Ron suggests that you watch the whole KSAT presentation at:

By RBN May 25, 2023 14:59
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