Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 05.31.22

By RBN May 31, 2022 14:59

Ron said he was not interested in deciphering the latest incident of Disarmament Terrorism that occurred at Robb Elementary in Uvalde Texas, saying that it has done little good to those who investigated Sandy Hook which looks almost identical. Ron said what we need is an understanding of what these events really are and apply the law to them by pulling existing laws on terrorism and conspiracy together to show that those who advocate the alteration or abolition of the 2nd Amendment using violence (real, threatened or pretended) have become coconspirators in a conspiracy to commit Disarmament Terrorism. It is not necessary that those who advocate the alteration of the 2nd Amendment know those who do, threaten or pretend violence to become coconspirators. And even those who are the subjects of the violence can also become coconspirators if they advocate the disarmament of the American people on the pretext of that violence. The only real solution to Mass Shootings is to remove the object of them and penalize those who use them for the purpose of altering the law of the land. See a model of such a bill at:
Ron asked the listeners to copy the link and send to their congressmen and governors.
Also see a flyer Ron published on 9/18/2019 on the same topic at:
Mark Anderson called and illustrated that those who advocate disarmament of the American people support a government firearm monopoly.
James from Vancouver called in to say he was hoping that the American people can protect their property by using the Constitution because Canada does not have one to protect their property. Even now the law of the UK and Canada is derived from royalty not a constitution based upon the equal rights of all to protect their property.

By RBN May 31, 2022 14:59

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