Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 06.17.21

By RBN June 17, 2021 15:26

Ron proved that Gov. Abbott has authority to guard the borders of Texas as the US Constitution did not prohibit any state from guarding its own border. He showed that the federal government has exclusive authority to establish uniform rules of naturalization (or becoming a citizen) that are applicable in every state of the union. But the feds do not have delegated exclusive authority to guard or regulate the borders of any state. However, the federal government did guarantee every state a republican form of government and defense from invasion. Ron also proved that the US Constitution never stated that invaders must be armed or a uniformed military. Any entry into the US without permission is invasion just like a home invasion. It need not be armed but simply a trespass or entry without permission.
Callers into the show made the great observation that Texas is the key to the survival of life, liberty and possessions of the people of America. The other states of the union are also dependent upon what Texas does at the border. If we don’t have a border we don’t have a nation and no need for elections or anything else but rather an obligation to create new lawful government in the place of a completely dissolved one.
Ron proved all that by reading from both the US Constitution and the Second Treatise of Government on two of the ways any nation is dissolved. Those who have their nation dissolved without their permission have a right at all times to make new lawful government to cover the same territory. He also said that we as a nation or people are not legally or morally obligated to the well being of the Mexican people but rather the government of Mexico is completely responsible for any so-called “humanitarian crisis” on our shared border. This once again is a condition created by a very small minority of the super wealthy global bankarchy.
Ron also mentioned his amazement that so many citizens of Mexican decent exhibit so much allegiance to Mexicans and Mexico while he has no allegiance to England or English people. This shows how little these people have been assimilated into our nation and why millions of illegal aliens cannot be permitted to enter any nation without ruin. This is all about dilution of the people so there can never be consensus against tyranny of a very few who dominate by class struggle and division. GO ABBOTT!

By RBN June 17, 2021 15:26

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