Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 07.07.22

By RBN July 7, 2022 15:00

Ron talked about the Texas sheriffs and county officials who are declaring an invasion on the Mexican border in an effort to get Governor Abbott to send more help. Ron said a Texas governor does not need such declarations to call up the Texas Militia and seal the border with orders to shoot to kill. But Ron said the “state of Texas” is dissolved and the governor knows nothing about lawful government or where his authority begins and ends. This is the condition of most of those who run for and hold public office. They simply do what those ahead of them did or what they are told to do. He showed how our governments in America are dissolved and why only the people can now create lawful government and that we should begin that immediately.

By RBN July 7, 2022 15:00

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