Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 07.11.23

By RBN July 11, 2023 15:01

Mr. Billy Ford, President of “The Republic of Texas” was Ron’s guest today to discuss the progress of the group and the border issue that we are all suffering. This is not only a border crisis but a tyranny crisis resulting from federal tyranny and state abrogation of authority. This condition is observed by other nations as a dissolved state and union with its border open for the hoards of humanity to plunder. Ron read quotes from DeSantis regarding the border showing his border plan to be in violation of the US Constitution. And the Texas Legislature and Governor will not execute their authority on the border. Ron read his short summary of what authorities the state and federal government have on the Texas border with Mexico. Mike from KY called in with questions for Mr. Ford regarding becoming a de jure recognized nation. Mr. Ford ultimately disagreed with Ron saying it was a federal responsibility to control the borders with foreign nations. The article Ron quoted: The “Republic of Texas:

By RBN July 11, 2023 15:01
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1 Comment

  1. TexianPamela July 11, 23:55

    Very informative! God bless the republic of Texas and all of the men and women standing boldly in Texas❤️

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