Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 08.09.22

By RBN August 9, 2022 15:15

Ron talks about the fact that no Sandy Hook lawsuit to date has proven before a jury that Sandy Hook happened as we were told. He played a bit of a limine hearing that was conducted amid the damage jury trial in the Hesling v. Jones case ( time marker 1:13:39) showing that Alex Jones was found guilty of defamation by the judge on the grounds that he did not participate fully in the discovery process presumed by the judge to mean he did not have a meritorious defense. At what level of participation in discovery is one found to have a meritorious claim? Ron said there was light on the horizon with the Dr. Fetzer Petition for Writ of Certiorari at the U.S. Supreme Court:
Then Ron said that the globalists have stepped up efforts to disarm the American public by attacking the so-called “conspiracy theorists,” which the UN has declared war on. He played about 4 minutes of a clip from on that issue.
He then read the UN publication of the ways to recognize “Conspiracy Theories” and what to do when encountered. They are laughable as they describe a human being with a brain function higher than a frog. Pat from Texas called in and closed the show with Ron and recommended reading books by Gary Kah. Ron found his website at and found five of his books at Ron said he would try to get Mr. Kah on the show.

By RBN August 9, 2022 15:15

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